Chapter 1: Just a Dream

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I walked at a slow but steady pace through the forest, letting out a tired sigh knowing that I had plenty of work to do when I returned home. I looked around, enjoying the scenery. The forest was always such a peaceful and quiet place. I always liked being able to walk home from school, especially when the walk was as relaxing as this. However, as I was about halfway through the forest, something caught my attention, causing me to come to a halt. Something looked...different. I realised that the path I was walking on went in two different directions. I recognised the path on the right. It was the way home. The path on the left however, was a completely new dirt path that I had never seen before. I stood there in confusion. Why was this path here? Did I go the wrong way? I wasn't sure why it was there but curiosity quickly overtook me and I decided to see where the new path lead. About two or three minutes had passed when the path suddenly ended. Why would someone bother to make a path if it doesn't lead to anywhere? I was even more confused now then I was before I followed the path. Tired and hungry, I decided that I would just forget about it and head home. I was about to turn and leave when out of nowhere, a bright light appeared. The brightness of the light forced me to shield my eyes. As the light dimmed, I uncovered my eyes to see what it was. This was more than just a was much more than that. "Wh...what the?" Was all I could manage to say as I stared in complete awe, not knowing how to react to what I was seeing. I was staring at a portal! How was this possible!? This couldn't be real! Shakily and cautiously, I began to walk towards the portal. Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! I jolted awake, startled by the loud noise. The realisation of the path being nothing but a dream suddenly hit me and I began to calm down. I quickly turned off my alarm so I wouldn't have to hear that loud, irritating beeping noise any longer. I greeted the morning with a tired, unhappy groan as I remembered that it was Monday. Eventually, I managed to leave my warm and comfy bed to get ready for school, letting out a yawn as I rubbed my tired eyes. I grabbed a grey pair of pants, grey socks, and a red hoodie and began to get dressed. Grabbing a brush from my dresser, I started to brush my blond hair. I looked into the mirror, seeing the blue eyes of my reflection stare back at me. Satisfied with my appearance, I walked out of my room and began to head downstairs.

"Good morning Leo. Did you have a good sleep?" My mother asked as she greeted me with a smile.

"It was pretty good I guess but I had that weird dream again." I replied sleepily.

"Again? That's strange." Said my mother in response.

"It's a little strange but it's just a dream." I say as I glance at the time.

It was 7:30 am. I didn't know why I kept having the same dream but right now I didn't really care. At this exact moment, my main focus was to get going or else I was going to be late for school. I grabbed something quick to eat and began packing my bag. "Bye mom!" I said as I walked out the door. "Goodbye Leo! Have a good day at school!" My mom called out as I left the house. I smiled as I was greeted by the cool, crisp morning air and the cheerful chirps of birds. After about a thirty minute walk, the school came into view. I let out a long sigh, preparing myself for the craziness and noise. I then entered the building, nearly getting trampled on by two teens who were running down the hallway. They looked pretty young. Probably in grade nine. I laughed a little as I watched them continue speeding down the hallway well shouting taunts at each other before disappearing behind a corner. They must've been racing I thought to myself as I began to walk to my locker. I got to my locker and took off my heavy bag, opening it to grab the items that I needed for class. Grabbing what I needed, I put my bag in my locker and headed off to class. I entered the class a few minutes after the bell rang, looking around to see that everyone was already there. Some of the students glanced at me as I awkwardly walked to my seat. The teacher gave me an annoyed look for being late and then continued on with the lesson. As the teacher went on about some sort of equation I slowly started to zone out. No matter how hard I tried to pay attention I just couldn't stop thinking about that dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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