Chapter 8

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W – Dick!

D – What?!

W – The strangest thing just happened!

D – What you swallowed your retainer again?

W – That was an accident!

W – But know I didn't swallow my retainer!

W – So I was running through Mexico to pick myself up a taco...

D – This already sounds sketchy...

D – Go on...

W – Well this guy walks up to me and is like 'Do I know you?' in a Mexican accent

W – And I'm like 'I don't think so...'

W – And he thinks about it for a while and is finally like 'You helped me smuggle those drugs across the border didn't you!'

W – And I'm just standing there awkwardly as he keeps going on and on about how good a job it was!

W – I finally decided to just high tale it out of there while he wasn't looking!

D – Hmm...

D – Did he have glasses and a small mustache?

W – How did you know?!

D – Oh that was Horaldo!

D- He must have accidently mistaken you for me.

W – Oh that makes since

W – Wait...

W – You smuggled drugs across the border?!

D – Umm...

D – Let's just pretend we never had this conversation...

D - ...

W – What?!

(A/N - hey guys! :) I wont be able to update this weekend so here is this weeks chapter! Stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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