Chapter 3 Making Myself at Hell

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I was not looking toward to that at all. I was registered and then I was walked to my cell. There was this large man in the cell. He was an African-American. I knew as soon as the guard shut the cell door I was about to be screwed.
I heard his footsteps walk up behind me and I felt his hand on my shoulder and he said "Hey man, you okay. I ain't gonna harm ya no way, no how."
Well that didn't stop my heart that was going a 100 beats a second. I was scared shitless!
I said "Okay." and walked over to my bedding area.
That man was just laying there on the bed with his fingers crossed looking at the ceiling. He asked me "What did you do to get up in here?"
I said, "I was dropping of a painting for $2.5 billion dollars."
He said, "Damn, that's a big haul!"
"I know. I replied Now if you'll excuse me I'm a bit tired."
"I understand, man I'll leave ya alone now."
"I'd appreciate it."

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