The boys make fun of you after a rated R night with him... (Ashton)

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You woke up feeling great after a crazy night with your boyfriend, Ashton. Him still resting peacefully next to you, curls spread all over the pillow they rested on and eyelashes resting softly on his cheeks. Realizing you still had a while before he woke up, you decide to curl up into his side and doze off again.

*2 hours later *

"WAKE UP SLUTS!"  Michael yells, slamming the door open and laughing as you and Ashton literally jump out of your skins, trying to cover yourselves up because (of course) you were both almost completely undressed except for your underwear.

"Michael, what the hell are you doing? its to early for this!" you mumble, trying to hide your face under the pillow your arms were currently wrapped around. Calum decided to come in and have some fun too.

"first of all (Y/N), its 3:00 in the afternoon...." you and Ashton both turned your head to your heads to the clock next to you, sure enough it read 3pm. Luke came in and continued Calum's sentence,"...and second of all, WE should be the ones to need more sleep!" You looked at Ashton, then at Luke questioningly. To which Michael responded with a smirk.

"seriously you guys, if I didn't know any better i'd say you guys used bullhorns instead of vocal cords to make those sex noises...." Michael smirked. All three of them laughed as you and Ashton's faces turned bright red. Ashton jumped out of bed, an annoyed expression on his face, and pushed all of the boys out the door saying, "oh don't even act like we cant hear you and the prostitutes you whores bring home!" It resulting in a sarcastic laugh from them.

Ashton turned around smiling and walked back to your shared bed, sliding underneath the covers and pulled you toward his muscular chest to cuddle again. He kissed your forehead, "the ONE time we try to have fun we get caught, huh?" You laughed and your eyes started getting droopy again, deciding to just sleep the day away with Ashton.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2013 ⏰

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