(I dont have a title yet, so...)

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I woke to the sound of shuffling. I could see light streaming into my room through the crack under my door. Shadows swept across it. Tired, I turned to my side to look at my digital clock. 3:00 a.m. I let out a long groan. How could someone be up way past curfew? Angrily, I got out of bed and tiptoed to the door. It slid open, sensing I was near. Silently, I followed the sound of the muffled footsteps until they led me to my brother's room.

He was frantically searching through every drawer he had, throwing its contents over his shoulder, breathing hard, mumbling something I couldn't quite make out.

"Kyle, what in the world are you doing? You know the rules; curfew is at 9:30." I said in the nicest tone I could have when I'm half asleep and cranky.

But he seemed to ignore me and continued to look under his bed, in his closet, in every nook and cranny. Finally, he gasped as he spotted his objective.

"Yes, thank goodness!" He turned and looked surprised when he saw me standing in his doorway. "Audrey, come quick! Take this and hide it!"

I've never seen my brother like this. He seemed scared. I took the object from his hands and observed its cover. It was a journal.

"What is this? It's just a journal." I was interrupted by a pounding on the front door.

"Go to bed, Audrey, and never let anyone know you have that book." He pushed me down the hall and back to my room. He didn't leave until he saw me get under the security of my covers. "Stay there, and no matter what you hear, do not get up." He stepped back from the door quickly, letting it shut, and I could hear his panicky footsteps running down the hall. I heard shouts of officials. I heard the screams of my brother as they took him away. I heard the noises get softer and softer until I could hear no more.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to run and save my brother from the angry officers. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and let no one hurt him. But all I could do was obey.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2013 ⏰

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