The End: Zack Holiday Dies

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"I just said Toby!"

"There are two Tobys here, but just one of them died," she said, "One Toby Caldron and another Toby Caldron. They were born from separate mothers.

"But how are they exactly the same?"

"Ask Maxine, she'll tell you."

I didn't want to ask Maxine. She will try to kill me, again. It may not be right, but maybe I should talk to the other Toby and get somewhere in this investigation. Forget Cadena. I'll come back to her; she's already mad at me, anyway.
I followed the other Toby up to her cabin, which wasn't any number I knew. I never saw Cabin 667B before. When the door was still open, I snuck in. I saw her stand in front of a full body mirror and pulled on her blonde hair. It was a wig! And the Iris color wasn't really gray, but blue. Brown hair, blue eyes?

"Maxine!" I shouted, "You poser!"

"Just come in, girly, I made some tea for us," she said. She was being pretty nice, but of course, if I didn't go in, she'd kill me. I went inside and she sat me down at her table.

She handed me a tea cup with sugar and a tea bag inside, and poured in the water from the kettle in for me. She sat down across the blue marble table, and took a couple of sips from her cup.

"Fraud," I muttered with my head down, "You pretended to be Toby!"

"Of course I pretended to be Toby," she agreed, "How else was I supposed to get you in Herr so that I could kill you."

She stared straight into my eyes like a bull ready to attack at something red. She had a face which made her look like she wanted this to happen. What is a plan to lure me in her cabin to hurt me?

"Don't worry, Zack, I kept the gun warm to for ya," she joked and gripped the weapon in her hands. She losely placed her pointed finger on the trigger, and was almost ready to shoot. I backed up, but I accidently closed the door with my back. I moved out the way and tried to use my shaking hands to turn the knob, but one of Maxine's bullets shot the knob off the door.

"Don't even try!" she yelled, and she pulled the trigger and the metal striked me in my shoulder. I ran by her to try to reach the window on the other side of the cabin, and it was right there, but soon, she shot me in the back of my neck. I can't even describe how it feels. It's like accidently sewing your skin to a piece of fabric, except a bigger needle and fire.

Finally, she held me against the wall to where the gun was facing my backside. I felt cold metal touch the back of my head, and was being pressed with so much force.

"Screw you, Maxine!" I shouted with a scratchy voice, "Don't do it."

I tried to move, but all she did was force me back into the wall.

"Tick rock, Zack Holiday."

Hot tears flowed right through my tear ducts. I was going to die, right? Maxine might've though kicking my legs would numb them. She kicked my legs with so much force, it felt like 20 pounded met weights. After almost twenty swings, my legs were wobbly gelatin and I fell on my knees. A bullet shot through my head, and I felt it go through my skull, and might've made impact to my brain.

"I hope you go to he. . . ." My eyes shut involuntarily. I felt nothing. I knew it was going to happen if I had just faced reality. Dreams don't come true. The future happens and you can't stop it. Dreams can't true, but they happen later. Dreams are images you see in your sleep, not things you want to happen. I don't believe in dreams, or the fact that I'll even acheive anything.

I woke up in a white, dim lit room that smelled like the alcohol they put on your skin before flu shots. I felt a thin blanket covering my body, and my head laying on a soft pillow. I was able to move my body so freely. Was it a hospital and I was wearing a hospital gown? A rubbery finger touched my face. I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful nurse with rubber gloves. I lifted myself and sat up, and I saw a blonde girl with blue eyes holding a bouquet of black roses. Do black roses even grow on Earth?

She walked over to me as I laid back down. She sat the flowers on the chair next to her, and placed her hand over my heart.

"Cadena, I thought you were mad at me?" I though aloud to her.

"I was until I realized how stupid it was," she said, "You'll make it, Zachary, and I know you can."

I didn't know I ever gotten into this mess but I wanted to get out it. Its all my fault. If I never started drinking in the first place, I would've never gotten into a fight. Cadena would'be never tried to kill me, and I wouldn't of 'killed' her, and never went to jail, never would Toby press the button, and I could still be at home, happy and proud. This is stupid.
I'm such a nuisance to everyone right now, but I can't fix it. I wish that computer thing would start beeping so I could die, already. Satin is better than this crappy situation I'm in. Toby would've been tough and defended herself, and I'm just a weakling.

"Ma'am, let Zack rest for a little while longer, please," the nurse said.

"Can I ha' suh war?" I asked. I tried to say, can I have some water, but the sentence wasn't strung together right.

"Yes, honey."

In a minute or two, the nurse came back with a clear, plastic cup of water and ice. I sat up and gulped it down. I sat the cup of water down on the cart she wheeled in the room, and I felt lightheaded. My head fell back onto the pillow. I could feel something wet under my head. A muffled voice from the other side of the room shouted, "There's a bunch of blood dripping from her head!"

"I forgot to patch the thing up!" the nurse cried, and I heard her heels running down the hall to get more bandages for my head. I felt my brain get so weak and light, I lost all feeling to my body. I couldn't even think.

I felt the beeping pause and created one line of sound. The beeping stopped.

Cadena's POV

You know what it means when the beeping drags along like that. It means that Zachary is dead. I'll really miss her. When we were five years-old in Kindergarten, she said she wanted to graduate and help people in need. In seventh grade, that's when she first told me she liked me. In ninety grade, we went to prom together, and we didn't care what anybody thought about it. She was a really good slow dancer, and she held me in her arms on a bench when the dance was over.
I went to her house all the time, but it's all over, now. I touched Zachary's face. It was as cold as the South Pole, itself. Her face was pale.

"Zachary, I want to tell you that I love you, and I hope Heaven take care of you. All of those times, I thought we would grow up together, but we didn't. I miss everything about you. It felt like jail every time I kissed you because if the situations we were in, but I don't care."

After being claimed dead, Zachary was finally put into a casket and burried underground.

The funeral was a couple days after, and everybody wore black. It raining, so we all had red umbrellas. I was with my mom, my dad, and my little sister. Everybody was either crying of holding in their tears. But unlike everybody else, I felt guilty. This felt like it was my fault she died, and my mom knew it, too.

Everytime she kissed me, it felt jail. I loved it when she Cell Kissed me.

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