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"MARINETTE." Alya pokes me a bit harshly. "Wha-!"

I almost fell from the bench. Darn. "Marinette, you seem to be a bit spaced out lately... Is there a problem?" I face Alya with wide eyes.

I was just... Thinking about yesterday... With Chat Noir.

"Ah.. Heh! It's fine! I'm fine, everything's fine!" I tell her with a nervous smile.
"I know you, Marinette. You're hiding something." She draws her face a bit closer to mine as if trying to understand my expression.

And by my expression, I mean, wide-eyed with a nervous cheeky smile.
"M-me? Marinette? No! I mean---NEVER. Eheh." I flash her my most reassuring smile but I guess it didn't work. I feel my sweat beading across my forehead.

"You're sweating." Alya told me with one brow raised. "It's a bit hot lately, huh?"
I said wiping my forehead.
"Hmm... It... Kinda is." She said with a sigh. "But if you ever need someone to talk to, you know where I'm at."


"Yep! I always have a bit of time."
She says with a cheerful smile.
"Um, not that. I meant to ask you if I actually knew where you're always at."
I said.

"Oh! Ahehe! Silly me." She sighed again. "Well, you can always call or text anytime!"

I nodded. "Thanks for understanding Alya..."

"Marinette," she stands up, "Secrets never stay hidden for long." She smiles.
"Well! I have to go now! See you in Monday!"

"See ya!" I wave goodbye and she does too.


The clouds turn dark and drops of rain were starting to pour out from them.
At least I brought the umbrella Adrien gave me. I blush at the memory. Speaking of that umbrella, I forgot to return it!

I mentally facepalmed myself and decided to wait outside for him. Well, I just stood there, clutching the umbrella in my hands. I acted as if I was waiting for the sky to lighten up a bit before walking home.

After a short while, I heard his familiar voice. "Bye, Nino!" And right when he was going to pass by me, I immediatley grabbed his jacket ... Or coat.. Or whatever.

He looked at me surprisingly and after he realized who it was, he smiled. "Hey, Marinette." He said.
I just smiled nervously, a vibrant red spreading across my cheeks. "U-um, I just wanted to return your, um, y-your umbrella."

I lifted his umbrella a bit so he could see. He smiled gently, "Oh, it's fine if you keep it."
I look down. "It's also raining a little hard so... Just... Keep it. Goodbye, Marinette."
He said with a wave.

I waved back and returned a smile.

I hope he didn't see me blushing. Well, I knew he did, but I hope he didn't notice, or something.



"Bye, Nino!" I saw Marinette, back facing towards me. I just calmly walked past her but I suddenly felt a tug on my coat. I faced her with a surprised expression but I immediatley smiled.
"Hey, Marinette."

She smiled. Her face turned a bit... Red. I just shrugged it off and thought maybe she had a small fever.
"U-um, I just wanted to return your, um, y-your umbrella." She stammered, lifting my umbrella a bit, looking at the ground.

I smiled. "Oh, it's fine if you keep it." She looks up at me. "It's also raining a little hard so... Just... Keep it. Goodbye, Marinette."
I waved at her and she waved back with a smile. I went inside the car and sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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