Chapter Twenty-Three

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As I was about to exit the house, Tyler had once again disrupted me.

"Where you going princess?", he slurred.

I tried to maneuver around him but I failed to do so.

I sighed.

"Did you get some sleep last night?", I asked him.

He shook his head no.

"Come", I said as I extended my arm out and grabbed his hand.

I lead him to his room.

I laid him down on his bed and pulled the blanket over his toned body.

"Get some sleep", I whispered as his eyes immediately shut.

"This'll all be over when you wake up", I added and I frowned at the thought of him not remembering any of this.

I royally messed up.

In the end I decided not to go shopping and instead I remained isolated in my room watching an assortment of movies to get my mind off of things.

As I was well into my second movie, there was a quiet and subtle knock at my door.

"It's open", I announced, unamused.

It was one of the last people I wanted to see, Jonathan.

"Renae I-", he began.

"The door isn't open for you", I sneered at him and proceeded to watch my movie.

"Please hear me out", he pleaded.

"No, I will not hear you out Jonathan. Get out of here", I said through gritted teeth.

He looked at me expressionless and backed out of my room.

"I meant the house", I told him

He looked at me now almost heartbroken.

As if his world has just collapsed.

Maybe it was because I was his world.

"Goodbye", he frowned.

I looked at him without any anger or hate but rather guilt.

I shrugged it off.

An hour later I heard the front door open and knew that it was Jonathan leaving and to be quite honest, I no longer cared that he was out of my life.

I decided to check and see if Tyler was awake to I walked to his room and slightly opened the door.

Once I thought I saw him still sleeping I opened the door much wider only to find how wrong I was.

He had just walked out of the bathroom and we made eye contact.

"Sorry...", I said awkwardly as I quickly turned around.

"For what? Cheating on me?", he retorted.

I closed my eyes as a tear slipped out.

I walked out of the room and down the the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

I sat down at the table with my glass and my mind flashed back to the kiss with Jonathan.

I shook my head as if it would get rid of the thought but it didn't.

"Hey sweetie", my dad said as he joined me with a cup of coffee.

"What's up?", he then asked, takin a seat across from me.

"Nothing really", I stated.

"You sure?", he questioned.

"I saw Jonathan leaving earlier today. He said that something had come up back in Chicago. He seemed off", my dad added.

"Oh...", was all I could manage to get out of my mouth.

"I think I'm going to go back up and finish up my movie", I told my dad as I dismissed myself.

He nodded.

On my way to my room I ran into the one and only Tyler Seguin.

"Still sorry?", he sneered as our sides brushed against each other.

A few tears managed to slip out of my eyes and Tyler took notice.

He looked at me sympathetically.

I glared at him and ran off into my room.

I curled up onto my bed and closed my eyes for what felt like a second but ended up being just over 2 hours.

I decided to go back down to the kitchen to see what was made for dinner but instead of coming down to a potful of pasta, it was a yellow sticky note attached to the fridge.

My parents had informed me that they had a last minute dinner party to go to at a friend's place which meant I was stuck home alone with Tyler.


On cue, Tyler entered the kitchen.

I once again gave him a glare.

He looked at me, irritated.

I opened the fridge and got out bread and a bunch of other stuff to make myself a sandwich as Tyler just stood there watching me.

I'm surprised that he didn't decide to leave the house just like Jonathan left.

I put the stuff back into the fridge and sat down at the table.

Suddenly, Tyler had take a seat across from me.

"Never once have I cheated on you or even thought about doing that to you", he explained.

His words made me feel like garbage.

"I'm out", I said as I threw my hands in the air and got up from my seat.

"I can't deal with this anymore", I added as tears streamed down my face and Tyler once again looked at me with sympathy.

I ran up to my room, wiping my tears and packed a bag full of my clothes and essentials.

I texted my parents informing them where I was headed.

I swung the backpack over my shoulder sniffling and made my way back down.

Tyler just looked at me with a blank expression.

"It's rainy and thundering outside. Are you sure you want to go?", he informed me with calmness.

I looked at him and looked away and suddenly he became angry.

"I don't need you telling me what to do", I told him.

"You're right. You're not mine anymore anyways", he answered with a scoff.

What a jerk.

But I guess I sort of should have expected that.

Source Of Insanity (A Jonathan Toews and Tyler Seguin Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now