⊰ Prolouge ⊱

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I would like to thank the tree in my front yard for inspiring this setting

It started the same as it always has, and as it always will. It can never change.

I am sad... Just like I always am during the weekends. Something about the anticipation of another week gives me anxiety. The cool wind brushes through the newly grown blossoms in the trees, causing a few petals to fall. They fall to the ground gracefully, like its the only thing they were ever meant to do. My back is leaned on a tall old tree, and it doesn't have any blossoms to shed. This tree reminds me of myself; slowly decaying despite the beauty that surrounds it. The wind has dried up the wetness forming at the bottom of my eyes, and suddenly I am fine again. I am okay. Or at least, thats what people see. In the eyes of others, I will always be fine and okay.

The wind comes back, but its softer this time. The small gust of petals finally meets the grass. And thats when I see him. He walks straight to where I am sitting, but he doesn't notice me. No one notices me when I sit here, because I am covered by the perfection of this place... I am drowning in it. He is not smiling, but he is not sad. There are petals stuck in his dark and messy hair. His blue eyes shine through the shadow the old tree casts. He is not drowning in the perfection, because he is part of it. His eyes meet mine. He looks at me through all the beauty that is around us. I feel butterflies as he walks closer. He sends a polite grin and sits himself down only inches away from me.

Hello, he says to me, with his voice soft and kind, My name's Jimmy Novak. He holds his hand out for me to shake, and I take it. Its like nothing I have ever felt before. Our eyes are staring at our hands, which are still woven together. When we pull our hands away, our eyes finally meet again. The wind becomes colder and stronger. As we continue our stare, a tornado of blossom petals twirls right next to us. He looks down.

I usually come here when I am sad, he explains to me, Is that why you are here too?

It shocks me that he noticed. No one ever notices. With him, I am not fine or okay. I am my emotions now... Even if I don't know what they are. I look back at the tree, and his eyes move from the ground to me. He breathes in.

Its just so elegant here around April. Even if Im not sad, I come to see it, he tells me. I had just started coming to this place last fall, and this is the first spring I have seen here. I can already tell that the beauty is older than time. That every April since the birth of these trees, it has been perfect. His beauty is older than time, too. I could mistake him for one of the trees because he is so perfect. He even has the blossoms in his hair. I finally turn back to him, and all I see is sunlight mixed in his sparkling blue eyes. They make me feel warm and cold at the same time. I reach up and slowly take one of the petals out of his hair. I smile as I show it to him. I actually smile, and he laughs. We both giggle like children as the wind gets even colder and stronger until the scene is completely buried in swirling petals. Everything goes white.

I was sad when it left, because that was my favorite part. That part made me feel happy again. Then suddenly the white turned into dark rain clouds, and the next scene begun.

The sun is not bright today, but that does not matter. I have my sun walking right beside me. We throw out our ice cream cones in a garbage can as it starts to rain. The drops are soft and warm. They are the heavy kind that always fall late in the spring. They are so big, you can clearly hear them plop as they hit the grass. I can still see some of the petals scattered around, but the rain has washed most of them away. It has been a month since I met Jimmy under the old tree, but this place is still perfect. It will always be perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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