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The bunker

It only has been their home for a couple of years,ever since Henry left the key before he died.It has been the place they crash in , work , eat , do laundry and even wash the Impala. Sam and Dean have their own room now after years of sleeping in crappy motel rooms , they have their own kitchen where Dean can fix them both something to eat. Dean was the most excited , he never had a room of his own before , Sam did .. when he was in collage with Jess , when he ran off when they were kids and even when he was with Amelia . But Dean never did, so he tired to make the place look homey as much as he can.When you enter Dean's room , you'll probably smell PIE! . You'll find empty boxes of junk food lying around somewhere beside the bed which he does clean up whenever he can. You'll also find the MP3 player and the headphones Sam got him for his birthday. Into his locker, you could see couple of shirts and pants hanged up , and then there's this plastic bag with John's old leather jacket in it.Underneath the long coats, there's a box hidden behind it , written on it the words "For Sam" in which you'll find some fake credit cards , bank accounts papers and other financial stuff.

Dean opens the box, He picks a piece of paper and a pen, sits down and starts writing..

"Sammy..There's something you we both know , I might not make out of this fight Sam! so , if you're reading this and I'm dead, don't try to bring me back , you hear me! it's over Sammy. No more second chances.Just try and live your life, that's all I ever wanted , I want you out little brother.I'm sorry for ever getting you into this life from the first place,I'm sorry I was hard on you sometimes,don't blame yourself for whatever happened Sam! it wasn't your fault,none of it was.I wish you had the normal life you always wanted, I wish I hadn't taken that away from you but Sam , go get it now! please Sam ,move on , find a girl , be happy

please Sammy.. Just let me go!"


Sam walks in ..

Sam : "hey, what're doing?"

Dean : " Oh!, That's nothing"

folds the paper so quick and puts it under his pillow

" why're up so early? it's like 5:30 in the morning."

Sam : " I could ask you the same thing! what were you writing in that paper Dean?"

Dean : " told you, it's nothing! let's go. I need my coffee now"

Dean leaves the room

Sam walks over Dean's bed takes the paper from where Dean put it .He starts reading as his eyes go through the words and his heart shatters into pieces. He couldn't believe his big brother feels that vulnerable. He couldn't believe he still thinks that he blames him for getting into the life . when his eyes hit the word SORRY! repeatedly all over that piece of paper , he couldn't help the tears coming down his face, it really does hurt how little he think of himself, how could he do that! why doesn't he see what he means to me! I can't live with you gone DEAN! I can't do it .. I won't do it !

These were the thoughts going on in Sam's head when he heard his brother calling..

Dean : " Saaam! let's get going I'm starving !"

Sam puts the paper back where he found it , turns off the light and leaves the room

Dean : " What were doing all this time! you haven't even change yet!

what's with your hair told you you need those clippers :P..

Man! you know, one day I'm gonna give a haircut in your sleep you know that ,right? "

Sam goes over to Dean and gives him a warm tight hug ..

Dean spontaneously hugs his brother back ..

Dean : " What was that about ? "

Sam : " OH! it's nothing, let's go you're starving , remember?

Dean : "Yeah , okay"

They both leave the bunker to get some breakfast.

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