A #Dream or a #Nightmare!

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SPOILERS AlERT up to season 11

The boys came home after a long day of working with Crowley and Rowena , trying to find a way to get Cas back , put Lucifer back in the cage and of course end the darkness..
They were desperate for answers but then they were too exhausted to think about any of that , they both went to bed.

In Dean's room ,
Dean goes inside , lays his body on the bed , puts on his headphones and turns the music on, it's the only thing they helps him sleep faster . He goes to sleep in a short while and starts dreaming about Castiel ..
Cas and Dean setting in the kitchen of the bunker

Dean : " CAS! Is that you? Is this real! am I dreaming again!"
Cas : "I'm afraid you are Dean."
Dean : " why did you do this Cas? How could you just give up like that? "
Cas : " I wanted to do my part Dean! I wanted to do something right.. it seemed like the only way.. but I can see now that all I do is fail .. "
Cas sighs and looks away
Dean : " hey! It's okay buddy .. it's gonna be okay , we're gonna get you out , you're gonna be fine .. I promise "
Cas gives Dean a smile trying not to let him worry
Cas : " I'm okay .. just take care of yourself Dean."
Dean : " Cas , I need to .. "

Lucifer comes in ..
Lucifer : " Dean!"
Dean: " You son of a bitch!! You did this.. this was all your fault!"
Lucifer: " what's the matter Dean! You can't live without the angel watching over you ? 

Ha! You miss your little buddy? 

he's my puppet now and I got him exactly where I want him"

Cas struggling to speak: " Dee.. Dean!"

Lucifer : " Time's out fellows "

Dean screaming : " Caaaaas!! CAS! "

Meanwhile Sam is freaked out standing beside Dean's bed
Dean is burning up in his sleep and he doesn't wake up
He keeps yelling Cas!!

Sam: " C'mon Dean! Wake up! What the hell is going on?
Dean's shaking so hard , he grabs the sheet of the bed with his hands trying to hold on to something ..
Sam gently grabs his brother's hand and sits down beside him
Dean stops shaking gradually ..
Sam goes to his room to get more covers and blankets
He covers his brother up , gets a chair and sits beside the bed. He had to stay up for hours to make sure Dean was okay until he finally couldn't take it and fell asleep on the chair..

Dean wakes up in the morning feeling so warmed up , he finds himself covered up with like three blankets !
He looks to his left to find Sam sleeping on the chair which looked very uncomfortable ..

Dean : " Hey! Wake up!"
Sam : " Hey! How're doing? better?" Sam said in a sleepy voice
Dean: " What'd mean? What happened?"
Sam: " You were burning up in your sleep , shaking and yelling.."
Dean : " Yelling what? What did you hear?What did I say?"
Sam : " Cas.." Sam sighs
Dean : " yeah.."
Sam: "So what was that about?"
Dean : " Just a dream Sam.. more like a nightmare really"
Sam: "wanna talk about it?"
Dean : "No.."
" You should go get some sleep , you've been up all night"
Sam: " you sure you're okay?"
Dean: " I'm golden man! " Dean gives Sam a warm smile reassuring him

Sam leaves the room to go get some sleep
Dean sits down and starts thinking about .. about everything !

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