Chapter #2| Arrangement

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I am confused why my father called, he never calls me and when he does that means something serious. I didn't expect him to wish me a happy birthday, the bastard is to busy keeping his business in the highest rank. I walked inside and didn't bother telling his assistant  that I arrived, what is so important for me to leave work early?

"Mr. Kelly is in a meeting" said Sandra his assistant, I didn't notice her following me and I didn't care whether he has company or not. I ignored her opening his office door, I see my father sitting behind his desk talking to someone I haven't seen before.

"Jax it is rude to interrupt" said Father. I rolled my eyes not caring.

"What is so important for you to call me while I am at work, I do have a job and I do have bills to pay so don't have time for you to demand to see me whenever you please" I replied. The man glared at me not liking my tone, father and I never have a decent relationship.

"Check your attitude boy" Father growled.

"Now, now please just settle down and tell your son why he's here" said the man. What does he got to do with me being here?

"The reason why I called you here is for you to meet your soon to be father in law, Mr. Stone wanted to meet you in person" Father replied. I stood there in shock, soon to be father in law? What the hell is talking about.

"What on earth are you talking about?" I asked staring at my father in confusion. Father sighed then handed me a folder, I opened it seeing a picture of a handsome man.

"Why did you give me this, who is this man?" I asked still not getting what father is trying to tell me, Mr. Stone end my confusion as he explained the man in the picture is his son aka my fiancé. I dropped the folder shocked that this stranger is my fiancé.

"You can't be serious" I said in disbelief.

"It's done Jax, Justin Stone will be your husband, Mr. Stone and I agreed for the arrange marriage. It's good for our business and with two successful company working together will be good for both companies" Father replied

"How dare you! I don't care that I am your son, you do not control me and don't even think I'll agree to this. Just because you both agreed doesn't mean I needed to comply, I will not marry a stranger for the sake of your stupid business. All you care about is money, you never even once cared about your family. Mr. Stone you're not my father in law and never will be, both of you should be ashamed of yourself. Does your son even now about this agreement because I'm sure he'll have the same reaction as me, you both can shove your agreement us your ass!" I said.

I stalked out of the office, I didn't bother waiting for my fathers response. How dare he do this to me, I an not someone for him to command. If he was forced to marry a stranger I know he'll highly disagree but no all he cares about is his stupid business. I went into the office lounge and make myself a cup of coffee, I needed to calm down otherwise I'll explode.


"Where you going?" asked Wendy or Amy?

"Amy the sex was average so you need to go" I said

"My name isn't Amy, it's Bella" she yelled. I threw her clothes on the bed, I ordered Damion my butler to take her home. I fixed my suit then drove to my fathers home, mother would be pleased to see me so I intend to stay for dinner. After parking my car, I grab the roses entering the house went to the kitchen to surprise my mother.

"This is for you" I said. She squealed instantly turning around, she smiled hugging me tight, her smile always brightens my day.

"Oh Justin I am so happy you're here, it's been so long since I last saw you" said Mother. I felt guilty not visiting her often, been so busy I didn't have to time visit my own mother how shameful.

"I'm sorry Mama, you know how busy I am" I replied. She nods.

"I know baby just wish you stop working so much, I can tell you're tried, working overtime will affect your health" she said. Mother put the roses in a clear vase, she adored roses and has a garden filled with them, she never turns now a gift of roses.

"How's work?" she asked. She placed a my dinner in front of me, I told her what I did today, I explained about the sales of the newly product that arrived today. Men's winter clothing line from several designers, I was pleased to see the sales rise as the clothes were stocked in the stores.

"Your father would be proud, you're a good businessman Justin" Mother said. An hour later father arrived home, he looked tired and stressed.

"It's about time you showed up" I said

"Not now Justin, lets talk in my office" he replied.

"Dear your dinner" said mother

"I'll eat it after talking to Justin" he replied. I sit on the couch inside his office, father leaned against his chair then threw a couple of magazines on the floor for me to see.

"Sexy Justin Stone is again seen with another women at Archers Bar last night, the notorious playboy s at it again breaking more women's heart, will she be the one or just another fling ?"

"What did I say about hooking up with women" asked Father. I looked away from the magazine, they always lie about everything it shouldn't matter.

"It was just a woman I met at the bar nothing serious" I replied

"Justin the paparazzi's are constantly watching you, stop making a fool out of yourself. Your making my business look bad, grow up Justin" father growled.

"What I do with my life is none of your business, your business is perfectly fine so you don't have to worry" I replied. Father sighed in frustration, he went to his mini bar to pour himself a drink, he handed me a glass of scotch as well.

"You're the eldest child Justin, the reputation you build for yourself is ridicules. How can I give my business when I retire? You keep being rebellious that I am questioning whether you should be the CEO" said Father. I froze, I worked so hard to prove that I am a good businessman, I always observe my father on how he deals with the fashion industry and clients.

"Don't believe the lies from those article, it's their job to lie to get money. There's no need to rethink your position, haven't I proven enough that I can handle Stone's Fashion Factory?" I asked.

"Your behaviour gave me doubts, you have proved what it takes to take over the business but your behaviour tells me otherwise. That being said, in order for you to take over Stone's Fashion Factory you will need to be married for first" Father replied. My eyes widen in shock, he's got to be joking, this is the most stupidest thing he's ever told me.

"Father you cannot seriously be considering this, you've taken this to far forcing me to marry just to take over. Now I am questioning whether I should, I am not ready to me a married man and like you said I have proven I am a good business man and I'm sure I can create my own fashion line" I replied.

"We both know you wanted to take over Stone's Fashion Factory, most of the new winter design was personally chosen by you. I've already made the decision, Mr. Kelly also agreed that his son is fit to be your husband. Mr. Kelly is CEO of Kelly footwear for men, he's a close friend of mine and now a business partner. This marriage will combine those business and it will be successful" said Father

"How dare you make such decision, my life isn't yours to play with" I yelled. Having a male as a fiancé isn't the issue, I confessed to my parents about being bisexual but making such ridicules is stupid and I will not agree to it. I grab my bag and walked out of his office, I ignored mother calling my name and I will apologise tomorrow but right now I needed to get away.  

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