The wind whipped our cloaks around as we sped through the dark alleys, chasing after the elusive little man. He ran so fast that we were always just behind him, no matter how hard we tried.
“Vexx, let’s split, you take to the air, I’ll follow on ground.” Tai threw off his cloak and shirt, drawing his twin knives and sped off, faster than I could manage on foot.
I jumped, spreading my wings and flying above the rooftops, I raced through the night air. I could see Tai, just a blur racing after our target.
I shot forward, pushing my speed to the limit, quickly catching up and keeping pace with the two speeding smudges in the alleyways. Our target was a murderer named Jack, famous for ripping his victims to shreds, leaving nothing but ribbons and splintered bone.
We had been contacted a week ago to capture, or neutralize this pest. After a week of investigations, we tracked him down, and caught him, though we were too late.
I sped forward, already seeing the ladder he had chosen as his scapegoat. I landed on the roof, right in front of the ladder.
Jack jumped up, and only too late did he see my scythe, as it lopped his head off, and sent his body crumbling to the ground with dull thump.