Shield Precious Ones

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Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns met up in an empty locker room before this week’s living taping of Monday Night Raw. Dean laid down on the lounge in front of the TV, Seth sat at the small table in the corner and Roman sat in the wooden wall length locker shelf.

“What do you suppose we do tonight, Orton’s separated his shoulder thanks to us, team Hell No can be beaten easily by us and Ryback is on the other side of the country for Tribute for the Troops?” Seth asked as he tapped his finger repeatedly on the table. Dean and Roman just shrugged their shoulders. It was then that Dean’s phone began to ring. He looked at the caller ID and smiled before excusing himself and walking out of the room.

“Hey, what are you up to?” He said answering the call.

“I’m waiting to see you tonight, are you already at the arena?” A female voice replied from the other end.

“Yeah, I’m already here. I’ll meet you by the Diva’s locker room when you get here. Just text me when you’re here; alright?”

“I will, I’m almost there, Dean. I miss you.” Dean smiled and laughed a little at the thought of him having to act so cold and tough when in character and a complete softy when outside of the Shield and talking with the one he loves.

“I miss you too. I’ll see you later, bye.” He hung up when they both had said their goodbyes. His smile then faded when a thought suddenly crossed his mind.

“What if no one likes me going out with her, or something happens to her in the storyline?” Dean ran his hand through his light brown hair and mentally slapped himself. No; that would happen, he wouldn’t let that happen.

Although she wasn’t in the storyline yet, Dean had been spoken to about it. He had been told that a storyline would develop depending on what they did each show.

Dean knew she had a match that night on Raw against Eve Torres, and he would be standing in the front of the crowd cheering her on and hoping he wouldn’t have to do anything. But knowing everyone on the WWE roster, she probably would need his help.

Dean sat on an equipment box; just looking at random stuff on his phone when it came up that he had a message. Opening the message, he saw it was from her.

‘Hey, I’m here. Come and meet me at the Divas locker room. I can’t wait to see you.’ Dean didn’t even bother texting back; he just hurried off to the Divas locker room. He asked a stage hand where the Divas locker room was located for that night and was pointed in the right direction. A smile appeared on his face when he saw the tiny Diva leaning on the wall, tapping away at her phone, not even noticing him. Dean took the opportunity for himself. He made his way over to her, wrapped an arm around her small waist and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

“Hi April, you’re looking beautiful as always.” Dean placed a kiss on her jawline. AJ giggled at her boyfriend for only about a month.

“Well, you must have missed me. Did you hear that I have a match against Eve?” Dean nodded and smiled. The match was first up after a promo with CM Punk.

“Yeah, I did. I’ll be at the front of the crowd watching you.” He looked around and then smiled down at AJ. She knew no one knew they were going out, which seemed strange that no one had noticed.

“I need to get ready; I’ll see you soon.” AJ kissed Dean’s lips lightly before walking into the Divas locker room to get changed into her red ring attire with black dots and a large skull on the side of the shorts.

Dean pulled out his phone from his pants pocket and texted Seth and Roman to hide in the crowd towards the front. Dean would be at the bottom corner of the ramp, Seth on the left side of the commentary table near the time keeper’s area and Roman on the opposite side of the announce table.

The three men took to their positions when the crowd started pouring in. They had to wait a good ten minutes before the Diva’s match between AJ and Eve. Eve’s music hit first, the entire crowd booed her as she held the Diva’s Championship title and struck her pose at the top of the ramp. She did her Queen-like wave and entered the ring. Then Dean smiled as AJ’s music blared through the arena speakers. She came out with her usual happy skip but gave a smile and wink at Dean that she hoped no one noticed.

The bell sounded and the two girls locked arms before Eve got AJ into a headlock. AJ countered before Eve could do anything by punching her in her stomach once. Eve went to the ropes and rushed towards AJ, kicking her in the chest. AJ fell hard to the mat but rushed up to Eve to ram her legs. Eve went face first and her nose felt as if it had broken upon contact with the mat, but no blood was coming out.

AJ grabbed Eve by her hair and pushed her into the corner, kicking Eve repeatedly in the stomach until the ref was at a count of four. Dean looked on as his secret girlfriend was beating Eve all on her own.

Eve, however, turned the tables on the match. She punched AJ right in the face and tried to go for the pin when AJ fell to the mat. AJ kicked out at two. AJ held her face with one hand, giving Eve the opportunity to stomp on AJ’s ankle. Dean began to shake with rage at Eve winning, but he needed to just see what was going to happen before he lost it.

AJ staggered to her feet and punched Eve when she had rushed up to the now standing tiny Diva. AJ used her small size and athletic skill to swing herself up to the top turnbuckle; she then jumped off and hit both of her hands on Eve’s head. Eve fell to the mat, the back of her head hitting the mat first, hard too. AJ had pulled off a three count and the ref raised her hand.

It was then that she felt as if she was hit with a ton of bricks at the back of her head. Well, she was right about being hit on the head. She moved over to the corner and rested her head on the bottom turnbuckle as she noticed Roman getting into the ring, along with Seth, beside her. She saw Dean come into the ring from the opposite side of the ring. Vickie Gurrero stood in the centre of the ring with a steel chair in her hand; that was, before Seth kicked Vickie in the back of the knees, causing her to collapse.

A small fight against Vickie had ensued, but what really had the WWE Universe’s attention was that Dean Ambrose wasn’t in the fight against Vickie; he was tending to AJ. Roman and Seth had got Vickie out of the ring so Dean had stood AJ up and supported her as he went to the centre of the ring.

“I’ve been told that what happens tonight could give us a new storyline.” Dean whispered in AJ’s ear. She smiled and quickly pulled her lips to his but they remained like that for more than necessary. The WWE Universe were chanting their names as they walked up the ramp, arms around each other and smiling. This may not be so bad.  

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