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Everything existed for a purpose. Including the Founding Fountain, a supposedly mythical location that held the mystical - and also supposedly mythical as well - Humara water. It is said in fairytales that pokémon who consume said water, is granted the physical appearance and mental of a human being - but also possessing Pokémon-like characteristics, and abilities. But it was also at the cost of losing all memories of their past lives - and being forced to start all over again. A whole new life.

Enter Mochida Chloe. Kanto's Enigma, as they dubbed her. Found deep within the region's woods, Chloe was found as a toddler who knew none about the world's affairs, a naive and innocent little mind - not suspicious at all. But when taken to be diagnosed for medical purposes, the discovery shocked the whole world - how the anatomy of Chloe's body hardly matched the regular anatomy of a human being. And so the nickname was birthed.

Mochida Chloe grew up normally, under the care of the Mochida family - of which Chloe obtained her lawful surname. Under the influence of pokémon training, Chloe grew to believe that her fate had destined her to become one of the greatest pokémon trainers in the world - brushing it off as a child's fantasy, her family humored her. As the day she stepped on the age of 12, she received her starter, and set off to fulfill her supposed destiny.

And her adventures begin now.


A/N: And so her adventures begin, as both of ours do too! Welcome to 'The Existence,' a book that perceives a plot so terrible it cursed Donald Trump to eternal cringing. Well, honestly I wouldn't be shocked - it popped into my mind when I was taking a dump, so hey!

I'm still very - terribly and horribly - new to Pokémon, I haven't even watched the anime. So I've decided that I would only include canon characters when ultimately necessary - or if some of you are dangerously good convincers. Other than that, it's going to follow an original plot, only with the setting in the Pokémon dimension/world/galaxy.

BUT it is most likely that I will throw in people such as Red, Yellow, Blue, Silver and blah blah blah into the mix, just for the hell of it. But Ash probably would cease to exist, and I shall create my own crew - which I promise, characters shall be lovable. Our main spotlight will highlight our beloved main crew, and we can't have Ash outshining it with his Pikachu, can't we?

So I hope you enjoyed the Prologue, and that the summary and plot intrigues you. Without further a due, let's begin our adventures!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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