Chapter 4

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The next day, Kageyama didn't bother to go to school, he woke up to the smell of blood everywhere and then the memories from last night flooded back into him.
Kageyama pushed himself off the bed and looked at the time, 11:26am.

Kageyama trudged his naked self into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar that he bought at the grocery store yesterday. As he ate, Kageyama examined the cut from yesterday. It wasn't as bad as he thought it was, he ran to the bathroom and grabbed some ace bandages and wrapped the cut over 3 times.

Honestly, he didn't even know what to with himself, his whole body ached. Kageyama placed himself on the couch, he decided to just go and put some clothes on and sulk the rest of the day, he grunted as he got up and limped and picked random clothes off the floor and put them on. He threw on some clothes and threw himself on his bed. In a matter of seconds, he was asleep


Kageyama's alarm went off annoyingly and he slammed his hand down on the OFF button and he practically slid himself onto the floor and crawled into the kitchen to grab a milk carton. He propped himself onto the bottom kitchen cabinet and contently sipped his milk until his door bell rang

"Are you kidding me...shit! Couldn't have picked a better time to drop off mail? Kageyama curses to himself, he doesn't even bother getting up since the mail is on the ground, so he crawls his way over the the front door and unlocks it. When the door is open he sees a small package for him from a unknown address.

"Great, fantastic." He said to himself, examining the package. Kageyama's about to crawl back inside his house when he hears footsteps approaching. "Shit! Are you fucking shittting me?! Kageyama painfully looks up to see a livid Hinata standing right in front of his front porch.

"Why-" Hinata started but was already being cut off from Kageyama. "Look I wasn't feeling well I'll come tomorrow." Kageyama stared at the ground the last thing he needed was Hinata seeing his injuries. "I have to go. Bye" Kageyama proceeded to close the door but Hinata shoved his foot in between his door

"Don't give me that crap Kageyama. Even I know that you wouldn't skip practice even of you weren't feeling well. Even if you didn't come to practice feeling well, you would feel better once you started playing. I'm not stupid." Hinata was clearly angry.

Kageyama was distraught, he had no idea what to say, he walked away from the door, not bothering to even close it, letting Hinata simply walk in. Hinata placed himself on the couch, he'd already been over to Kageyama's house countless times for studying together and or just playing volleyball.

"What are you hiding from me?"

Kageyama stopped dead in his tracks, he didn't even have the heart to answer. "Look at me!" Hinata yelled across the room, this only made Kageyama tilt his head down even more.

Hinata ran up behind Kageyama and pushed him to the ground. "Kageyama-" Hinata looked Kageyama dead in the face. "Fuck" Kageyama whispered, he rubbed his eye. Kageyama didn't realize Hinata right in the face. Kageyama shielded his black eye from Hinata's sight, good thing he was wearing long sleeves.

"Listen, Hinata- "

"Who did this to you?! Is this why you skipped practice?" Hinata sounded really exasperated. "Look, does it really even matter, I'll be fine." Kageyama got up and picked up Hinata. "I don't need you parenting me around either, don't tell anyone. So leave me alone!" Kageyama pushed Hinata out the door and slammed it.

Immediately he fell onto the floor and broke down crying.

"Shit, fuck."

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