In Heat: Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

     I took a deep before walking into the classroom; I deliberately waited until most of the class had arrived. The thing I needed was to be alone in room Caleb, especially while I’m feeling completely confused. Unfortunately as I looked around the room there was only a handful of students, art had never been the most popular option for free studies but right now I wished it was. I walked slowly around the chairs that had been set up in a semicircle pattern. Deciding sitting in the middle was the safest, I took a seat. As I glanced around, I could find Caleb anywhere. Instead was a message on the board which read:

 ‘Due to a slight emergency I will be running late. As you have probably noticed in the middle of the room is a selection of materials. I want you to pick whichever you want and show me what’s on your minds. This way I can assess your abilities and plan our activities around all of your interests. Caleb.’

I watched as everyone slowly got up and picked out what they wanted. I got up slowly and made my way to the middle of the room. Looking at all the material on display I felt spoilt for choice. Finally I picked up a canvas and easel, as well as some acrylic paints. I walked back to my Chair and began to set my equipment. As I was doing this my body froze as an all too familiar scent hit me. Peering around my easel and canvas I saw Caleb walked into the classroom, closing the door behind him. I could help but watch him as he moved around, arranging items on his desk. He didn’t look as clean cut and tidy as he did earlier, he seemed flushed and dishevelled. If I didn’t know any batter I would say he had been for a run. There was something about the rosy glow to his skin that had me biting my lip. I looked away quickly before I got myself too worked up; besides the thought of the scent of my arousal filling the room did not sit well with me.

     Twenty minutes had past and was I still just sat staring at the canvas in front of me. I had no idea what to paint the thing on my mind was Caleb and I really didn’t think the images in my head would be really appropriate. I could see some of the other students looking over at me, looking at me smugly as they continued working on their projects. Feeling brave I peeked round my easel once more, seeing Caleb sat on his desk watching the class. He looked so laid back and peaceful. He looked perfect. He must have sensed my eyes on him as he quickly looked towards me. I couldn’t quite read the expression on his face, in was more concerned that he had caught me staring at him. I looked back at my canvas and picked up a paint brush trying to busy myself. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, his scent calming me. After I was sure that I was completely calm I opened my eyes and I was shocked at what I saw. There on the canvas was the face of the male from my dreams, the one who I had kissed at the Blood moon celebration and the packs own celebration. Like both nights his face was covered by his mask, the image was a little fuzzy of course but I knew it was him. I just sat there for a moment staring at it, wishing I knew who this mystery man was and that he would save from all this confusion.

“Managed to start anything yet?” I heard a voice say.

Looking up I saw Caleb stood in front of me, just behind my easel. I tried to really reply but I seemed to have lost the ability to talk. He smirked around walked around me, stopping right behind me. I could feel the heat from his body radiating onto my back, it was doing things to me that I never thought possible. I tried to calm myself as I could feel my control quickly slipping. I sensed his body tense behind me and a quiet growl rumble in his chest. It wasn’t a threating growl but one of pleasure. I almost gasped as I felt his warm breath on my neck.

“I think we need to talk after class.” He whispered in a husky voice.

All I could was nod was the fire within me grew to new heights.

           The rest of the class went by in a blur; all that kept going through my mind was the feeling of breath on me. Every time I replayed it in my head I begged for him to move just inch closer. I longed to feel his lips on my skin, for some unknown reason I needed him to touch me, to kiss me, to wrap me up in his strong arms and never let me go. Just the thought entering my head scared the living hell out me. The sound of the bell ringing had me jumping out of my seat, so much so that I yelp. I heard all the chairs screeching across the ground all around me. My heart began to pound as I sat and watched all the other students file out of the classroom. As the last student walked out the door, my eyes drifted Caleb. He was leaned up against his desk, his eyes piercing into me. He pushed himself off the desk and walked slowly towards the door, his eye remaining on me the whole time. He shut and locked, he pulled down the blind on the door before turning back towards me. I audibly swallowed; I had never felt more nervous in my life. As he got closer he grabbed a chair and dragged it across the floor, stopping write in front of my chair, with the back facing me. His eyes still on me, he straddled the chair and sat down slowly. I could stop my eyes from drifting down to the crotch of his jeans which were now insanely tight on him. My quickly returned to his face as he cleared his throat, my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

“Do you explaining that little scene this morning?” he said in a stern voice.

“I have no idea what happened, I was on my way here to confront you and the next thing I know I was being dragged into a cupboard.” I replied, feeling the anger rise within me again, like this morning.

“Why the hell were you coming to confront me!” he shouted.

“Why you want to know why!” I screamed, jumping out of my chair. “You can’t just kiss someone and then just pretend they don’t exist. Why the hell did you kiss me in the first place? Why the hell am I drawn to you?” I screamed as he got up from his chair and took a step towards me.

“You’re a child, for Christ sake I can’t go around kissing children. And the hell can you say you’re drawn to me when mere hours ago I caught you eating my brothers face!” he shouted back.

“He kissed me, not the other way around. Why the hell does this piss you off so much.” I cried feeling more confused than ever.

Before I knew what was happening I wrapped in his arms and he was kissing me passionately, I could feel all his emotion flow through grabbing hold of hair kissing him back just as passionately. After what felt like forever he pulled away panting heavily.

“I care because you’re mine!”

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