Chapter 17: Ambulance

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(A/N: Please follow my Instagram @l0lteenager o is a zero haha! Enjoy!)

"Shit, shit, shit!" 999 is dialed into my phone but for some reason I don't call. I am frozen in place holding up Bella's head. She hit the ground pretty hard and I can already feel a knot forming. Fuck it, I'm calling.

"Hello 999 what's your emergency?" A perky woman says on the line.

"My girlfriend passed out and fell onto the ground about a minute ago I need an ambulance."

"Okay I'm sending one to your location as you speak. Were there any other symptoms I can tell the medical personnel?"

"She said she had a cold." That's all I can think of. If she wouldn't have been so stubborn and stayed in the fucking bed...

"Alright please stay on the line until they arrive." I pick up Bella and carry her down the stairs. I can hear faint sirens in the distance. Within a minute they are pulling up and jump out of the vehicle. They pull out a stretcher and roll it over to us. I lay Bella down and they rush her back into the vehicle.

"I'm coming." I say harshly not letting the medics refuse me. I sit on the cold bench in the ambulance as they check her vitals. They tell me everything is normal and they will give her a hospital bed for the night.

"Hello Bella you are on an ambulance on your way to the local hospital, do you remember what happened?" My head snaps towards Bella to find her eyes open.

"I fell and everything went black." She says, barely audible.

"We're going to give you fluids because you are very dehydrated." Bella nods before her eyes go wide in my direction. Neither of us say anything, instead I hold her hand for the duration of the ride. After ten minutes we arrive and the medics say I have to wait an hour until I can visit Bella's hospital bed.

"Harry Styles? Who'd think I'd see you fucker here!" Lucas' face is busted up with cuts and bruises, probably another weekly fight.

"Who beat the shit out of you this time?" I ask with a laugh.

"Some guy who tried to take my vodka while I was fucking drinking it. I know you probably think he won but I actually smashed the bottle over his head and that was the end of it." A proud smirk covers his face as if it's something to actually be happy about.

"Mr Styles?" A male doctor with prominent bags under his eyes says while looking at a clipboard. I stand up give a quick bye to Lucas and follow the doctor. He stops in front of room 123 and tells me to go in. Bella is sitting on the bed eating cookie dough ice cream and watching some shit reality TV.

"Did you get the VIP suite?" I say with sarcasm in my voice.

"No she just called her father who has some connections." Charles gives me a friendly smile before standing up. He has on a dark blue button up shirt and black slacks on.

"I'll be back to pick you up in the morning sweetie." He kisses Bella's forehead and walks past me, out the door.

"You know I can take you home, right?" I say once he's gone.

"I know but he insisted, plus he was really angry that you were there with me alone." She takes another spoonful of ice cream and shoves it into her mouth.

"You're almost eighteen what does he expect?" I say while sitting down next to her on the bed.

"He just wants to protect me Harry." Why the fuck is she annoyed with me?

"From what? From me?" I'm getting pissed off.

"I don't know..."

"Let's go to sleep." I huff while laying down.

"You're not aloud to stay overnight." She says but I know she wants me to.

"I don't give a fuck." She sighs, knowing she can't win against me. I coax her into my chest and turn the lamp besides the bed out.

• • •

"Why was he sleeping in your bed? I don't even know what is going on with you lately, but your mother would not be proud." I really have to wake up to this bullshit.

"That's a real low blow dad! You cheated on her while she had fucking cancer, but you yell at me because my boyfriend slept in my hospital bed where you know nothing would happen!" Bella is fuming and her cheeks are red with anger. I stand up and brush my finger through my messy hair.

"Ah Harry nice of you to join us." Charles says in a sarcastic tone.

"What the fuck did I do?" I say in a groggy voice.

"Let's see, first you make a scene at my party then you come over to my home when no one is around and does who knows what with her then you stay in a fucking hospital room with her and I walk in hear to find you with barely any clothing on! You're lucky she isn't pregnant for Christ's sake!" His neck veins are throbbing as he screams at me. If he wasn't Bella's dad I'd beat the shit out of him.

"I said I would give you a chance, but you blew it. My daughter is too good for you and your disgusting tattoos. She has a future which you will not be involved in." This guy is really fucking pissing me off.

"You think you are a man, but you are no man at all." Fuck this. My feet move in front of him with my fist pulled back.

"Going to resort to beating me like your father beat your mother?" Tears sting my eyes and I attempt to blink them away but they effortlessly fall to the ground. I step back and pick up my shirt and slip it back on. Bella is standing behind me sobbing as I walk out. Nurses, doctors and patients all stare as I walk by. I give a few the middle finger making them gasp. I kind of find it humorous which might make me a shitty person but I don't care.

The hood of my car needs repair after the damage my fist did. Gramps is sitting in his chair watching football with the usual smug look on his face. I sit on the couch across from him blankly staring at the TV. Not even football can distract my mind. A knock on the door brings me out of my daze.

"Go answer the door please Harry." Gramps says before taking another swig of beer. I walk to the door and open it to find Bella.

"Can I come in?" She sounds like she's been crying for days.

"Yes of course." I look outside before closing the door. "No one came with you?" I ask.

"No it's just me. I told my father he doesn't choose who I'm with or love, do you have something I can drink?"

"Like alcohol?" She nods her head, surprising me and probably herself also. I go to the liquor cabinet and get a bottle of whiskey. I pour two glasses and hand one to Bella. As she sips her face turns to disgust.

"This tastes horrible." She mutters making me laugh.

"Where are you going to go? I mean you can stay here for as long as you want." I correct myself trying to make her feel welcome.

"I was thinking about going to my aunts house."

"Where's that?" I question while taking a sip of the whiskey.

"In New York..." What the fuck?

"What?!" I choke on my drink and begin to cough like crazy. After regaining myself I start to feel nervous. What if she leaves me to go to America all because of her father being protective.

"Maybe we should go talk to him, your dad." I say feeling kind of guilty she basically just told him to fuck himself.

"Are you actually serious?" Her eyes flicker to anger. I take her hand and gently squeeze it for reassurance.

"I'd rather go talk to him than you move all the way to America." Her eyes change from anger to thoughtfulness.

"Let's go." She abruptly stands up and walks towards the door. I gulp down the rest of the whiskey from both of our glasses, I'm going to need it for what's about to happen.

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