Team player

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Steven loved his life. It may not have been the most normal life or the happiest at times but he still loved it. He loved his home, he loved Beach City, he loved all of his friends, and he loved being with the crystal gems. But what he'd admit was his most favorite thing that he loved was going on missions and battling corrupted gems and as his heart kept pace with the quickened thuds of his sandals hitting the hot beach sand his love for it continued to grow. As he and the gems got closer to the corrupted gem that Steven could of sworn looked just like a gigantic ,two mouthed ,indigo colored cat with its ears pricked up and let out a threatening hiss exposing the gem on its second tongue.
"I'm going for it!" Amethyst shouted from in front of Steven catapulting the front of her whip towards it. Successfully she managed to get a grip of one of its ears and gave her weapon a sharp tug causing the gem to staggering  forward. In response, it let out a pained growl.  It angrily bit down on apart of the whip and yanked on it with a powerful force that swung a screaming Amethyst flying far into the ocean with a splash.
       "Ameth-oof!" Pearl yelled caught off guard. Mid-sentence the wind was knocked out of her by a single blow to her torso by the now rampaging gem. Pearl ended up landing deep within the sand head first. It's large outstretched paw swung again heading straight for Garnet. She impressively stopped it sliding a few feet back from its strength. Steven was ready to protect his friends with his shield in hand.
"Steven stay back!" Garnet warned arms visibly shaking from the pressure of the paw that seemed to get stronger with every second. Her legs were beginning to be swallowed whole by the sand from the back-breaking weight. Steven was surprised by this demand ,stopping in his tracks. Then what should I do he thought urgently seeing the increasing strain on Garnet. The sound of all his rushing thoughts came to an abrupt stop when another louder sound hit his ears. The sound of the rustling bushes behind him made him turn around only to be knocked onto his rear end by a blast of air that rushed passed him. A dark ginger orange blur swept past kicking up a great-load of sand. Steven shielded his eyes still attempting to keep up with whoever or whatever it was. He heard a surprised yelp from Garnet and saw she was no longer under the monster's paw, at least he hoped she wasn't.  Abruptly the orange haze sprung up into the air with the sun hugging its silhouette finally giving it a form. A the bright glint that  ricocheted the sun off of the person's upper back stated otherwise. Another gem!  Steven screamed in his head. They graciously flipped in the air dodging the corrupted gem's needle like tail that sliced through the sky like it was tissue paper sending quills everywhere. The new gem summoned their weapon which resembled a double bladed spear and they chucked it. The spear went spiraling straight towards its face and hit it's unsuspecting target.
       POOF! There was another powerful gust that blew Steven onto his back again. When he got up he saw the gem hovering over the dark purple jewel that laid peacefully in the white sand. They picked it up with delicate care, turning it around in their hand as if inspecting it for something. With their back turned to Steven and standing completely still Steven could get a better look at this unexpected newcomer. They were wearing some type of orange skin tight body suit that covered them head to toe, one that you'd usually see a ninja or super hero wear to hide their identity. The only thing that was visibly exposed on their body was a star shaped hole on the back of the outfit that showed their tangerine orange gem. They must be on our side he assumed seeing how they just helped him and the crystal gems. He tried to possibly speak to them but all that came out was a small wheeze which lead to him going into a coughing fit with the main culprit being particles of sand that went down his throat. But despite his sad attempt of communicating his choking caught the attention of the gem as they were now facing him. Their eyes startlingly widened and they took a step back like they just realized Steven's existence. Steven was also taken aback by this ,because had they not known he was there the whole time.? A prick of fear stabbed at his heart when without warning the gem charged at him at a neck-breaking speed. They summoned their spear once more with their eyes parallel to a lion ready to pounce.
           "N...No! Stay back!"Steven rasped his throat still burning from it's earlier assault. He drew his shield and flung it at his attacker hoping it would slow them down. He was more or less successful at causing a slight stutter in their step from surprise as they ducked to prevent impact, yet this didn't stop them from regaining their speed and going even faster. They propelled the spear equivalent to a frisbee going so fast that it could slice through anything including its enemy. Steven shrieked trying to muster up enough energy to summon his shield. He panicked knowing it wouldn't work in time so he crouched down and covered his head.
        Where was Pearl? Where was Garnet? Where was Amethyst? He needed the crystal gems quick! He heard the mild whoosh of the weapon passing over his head feeling a flood of relief that it had missed him. However his relief converted back into fear when he saw the gem was still running towards him with their arms outstretched. He closed his eyes again feeling the arms wrap around his body and his feet rise off of the ground. His breath in his throat hitched not knowing what was happening. Was he going to be taken again? Memories of when Jasper took him and all of the horrible things that happened a while ago ran through his head as he feared the worst. His eyes shot back open when he felt himself land on something orange and soft. The arms weren't clamped tightly around his body like he anticipated ,but draped over him making sure not to hurt him. Whatever he was laying on was administrating faint upbeat music that sounded like a video game soundtrack. He jerked up instantly when he heard the sound of a loud crash behind him. He detected the sound and in awe stared at the bottom half of a fallen street light  that had a purple quill protruding out of the pole. The other half laid on his other side with a clean cut from none other than the stranger's weapon.While making this observation his attention was brought back to the hands on his shoulders. He turned back to face  the gem making eye contact. He could still hear the faint music which sounded like it was coming from their suit.
         "You...saved me?"he stated timidly almost questioning it himself. The gem tilted their head not saying a word only exchanging a few glances between Steven and at his gem. The realization that they were still holding Steven hit when he started to squirm from the uncomfortable silence. They hastily set him off of their lap and scrambled onto their feet. As they were about to flee the were ceased by the unpredicted grip on their ankle.
          "Wait! What's your name?" He insisted keeping a firm but light grip on their ankle. They looked down at him in shock. But soon their covered face melted into what looked like they were smiling at him. Getting on one knee they pulled out the purple gem they had hidden somewhere on them and put it into Steven's hand. Then they hesitantly reached out  to playfully ruffle his hair.
          "Steven!" Pearl squawked  from afar headed towards Steven. The gem instantly retracted their hand and hurriedly fled leaving Steven in a daze. Pearl snatched Steven up into a tight motherly hug. "Thank the heavens you're ok!" She exclaimed inspecting Steven for any cuts or bruises. "Are you hurt? Where did the gem-" She brought her questioning to a halt when she saw the purple gem in  his hands. She looked back up at Steven with an expression of disbelief and confusion. " take down the yourself?" She asked incredulously. Steven mirrored her confused expression. Pearl didn't see them he wondered. He did a once-over and scanned the entire beach, but the gem was long gone.
"Pearl there was another gem!" He unintentionally shouted. He raised up the gem to give her a closer look. "They saved me and then just ...left!" He added searching around the beach one more time for them but to no avail.
"He's telling the truth." Garnet calmly stated appearing right next to Pearl and lightly brushing sand off her clothes. Pearl was dumbfounded by this new information as she looked up at Garnet.
        "Another gem?" She asked still not being able to comprehend the possibility. "But where could they have come from? You don't thing they came from the kindergarten do you?" She added with a hint of worry and concern in her voice.
        " Impossible." Garnet informed. "The kindergarten has been shut down for centuries."  She included as she pushed her glasses up on her face.
        "Then how on earth could they have gotten here!?! The warp pads are destroyed, the kindergarten is down, and there has been no other ships that landed here that we know of!" She stressed. Ships Steven repeated in his head as the pieces started to connect.
       "Maybe they did come off a ship." Steven mumbled under his breath ominously. With that there was a unnerving silence. Only thing that made a sound was the whistling of the beach breeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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