Chapter 4: Introducing Yourself Part 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V:

The owner took me towards the office down the hall. The office was small, but not that small. He sat down on a wheel chair behind the desk. "Please, begin." He said. I stood there awkwardly, not so sure if I could do this.

I took a deep breath and started to glitch. All the different colors of blue sparks sparked in different places. Then I started to teleport to different places. After that, I turned into light and dark blue techno spark particals and swormed everywhere.

Then, after doing that, I flew up in the air and entered security tablet and started to hack into the security cams. After that, I formed myself back into a human and stood there, waiting for him to judge me like the others.

Two minutes of silence and Mr. Fazbear having a shocked look on his face. All of a sudden, he started clapping. I was confused and Shocked. "Wait, what?" I asked. He just continued to clap. "Well done! That was fantastic! You truly have a gift!" He applaud. "R-Really? This isn't a game?" I asked suspiciously.

"No way! You are fantastic! That was very good! We can work something out now!" He said. My eyes widened in shock. "I got the job!? I got the job! I got the job! Yes!" I cheered, glitch from one place to another.

"Whoa! Easy there partner!" He said. I stopped cheering. "What? B-But I thought--" "Yeah, well I said, 'we can work something out', not, 'you automatically got the job' no." He said, walk up to me. "B-But...I-I don't, understand." I frowned. "We need the parents approval first! Haven't you ever heard of, "the bite of 87'?"

Oh.....I remember that day. Man, I felt bad for both, the little girl and the animatronic. It was none of there faults. "I remember..... Hey! How about this, I fix up Foxy, get him back up and running(you get it? Haaaaaaa~ I'm so good😎), and you~, let me prove myself to the kids parents! Deal?" I took out my hand, waiting for him to shake it.

I could tell he was having second thoughts. "Mmmm, I don't know, (Y/N), sounds a little tricky..." He said. "Oh, please, Mr. Fazbear! Give me a chance!?" I pleaded.

"........Okay. Deal." He shook my hand. "Yes!" I shouted. Wasn't a good idea, though. I accidentally shocked him. "Gaaaaaugh!" He scream. I let go. "Oops! Sorry, after shock." I said, nervously smiling.

An hour later, I arrived at pirates Cove, where held.....Foxy. "Now remember, if he attacks, get out of there." The security guy said, which I think his name is Mike. "Don't worry, I got this." I said, and walked in. I held the tool box tightly.

"Good luck." He whispered and left. I slowly and quietly walked further into the dark and creepy cove. "I can't see jack in here~!" I whispered to myself. I searched in my hoddie pockets and found a flashlight(You never know when you need it.😇).

I turned it on and looked around, trying to find the broken animatronic. But I couldn't find him. "Where is he? It is a very small cove, so how can I not find him." The more I get further, the more I walked, the more I freak out. "Where is he!?!?" I whispered.

I was about to give up, until I felt something behind me. Like the air behind me felt wary, and creepy. I froze and slowly turned around and once I did.....there he was.....


I froze, as he stood in front of me, just glaring at me, looking like he was ready to attack. But I didn't worry. I was quite intrigued by him. He growled at me, angrily, but all I did was smile. It made me want to say'hi'. I can understand robots and Androids, so this should be easy.

"Hello! I'm Jay! New here! And i'm here to--" *slash* He swung his sharp animatronic claws at me, but missed. My eyes shot up wide. "I--*gulp* I-I-I g-guess you're not a...m-m-morning p-p-person....either, h-huh?" I nervously asked. He swung at me again but I dodged and he ran after me. 'Man, he's fast!' I thought as I teleported behind him. He looked confused, but anger took over. "Look, I'm not looking for any trouble!"

I dodged yet another swing of his claws, and teleported away from him. "I'm here to--*swing* get you back on your feet--*swing* and entertain children again!" I dodged every single hit he tried to do, but fell backwards. He paused. He hollered and pinned me to the floor, getting ready to attack me.

But nothing came. I put my hands down from covering them. "WhAt?" He suddenly. (I'll try to do his pirate accent) Wait, he can talk!? As in, understand what I just offered him!? "Y-Y-Yeah. I'm here to fix you, s-so that you can entertain children again." I stuttered.

His yellow glowing eyes widened, making the cove light up a bit. I dropped my flashlight, so I couldn't see his hole features. Wait....flashlight! He hates light! How I know? Doesn't matter. I saw my flashlight next to me, facing the other direction. I looked back up at the animatronic pinning me down to the floor. "Ye rEally think Ye could fix thIs Old piEce of mEtAl?" He asked, getting looser on my shoulders.

I slowly nodded my head, reaching for the flashlight, once I had it, I flashed him and he screeched in pain. He let go of me and I had both my hands on my chest. "Oh, crap! I am sooooo sorry, Foxy! I just--" "Argh! FUckIng....Agh!" He yelled, rubbing his eye. I turned off the flashlight and crawled up to him to see if he was okay. "AyE lAssIe, whY yE do thAt fOr!?!?" He yelled.

"Shhh! I am sorry! I panicked, okay! I came here to help you, not to be torn, ripped, stuffed, or killed by you!" I angrily said. I sat on the ground and sighed. "Look, this is my first time working here as an entertainer, ok? And this the only way I can actually make that happen." I looked down at the ground, by (H/C) bangs, covering my face.

"Just......just work with me here. I promise there will be flashlights. I just....wanna make a difference...." I muttered. I remember when I use to be normal. Until....'this' happened to me. I tried to make things okay, tried to make things work, but it didn't. I was alone.....

I didn't know I was crying until I felt a tear roll down my face. I sniffed and looked away from the broken animatronic. It was silent. "B-By the're not an old piece of medal. And it's not your fault for the 'bite of 87'. Neither the little girl. You...just had a little....glitch. I know I am....." I pulled my knees up to my chest and hid my face in them.

Silence filled the room. Nobody talked, just silence. 'He probably wants to be alone.' I thought as I looked up. "If you wanna be alone," I stood up, heading for the curtains. "I'll just leave." I said. I was about to leave when I felt a hand grab my wrist.

I looked behind me and saw Foxy looking down at me. "Look lAssIe, I'm reAlly sorrY for EverythIng. Ye cAn fIx me." He said, with a sad look. Doesn't really look like it for some people, but like I said, I can understand robotics and adroids.

I smiled and nodded my head. "Oh, I'm sorry, didn't introduce myself." I chuckle. "Hi. My name's (Y/N). But everybody calls me Glitch. Nice to meet you, Foxy!" We both shook hands, we started to get settled and start fixing him.

"Let's begin"

A Glitchy Love (FNAF Human! Bonnie x Glitch! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now