Destiel | Fight | III

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Castiel breathed hard, his own face showing his anger as he faced Dean. Dean was panting, his knuckles somewhat bloody, like Castiel's were. Castiel couldn't remember what started it, or why they even fought, but all he remembered were fists flying and tackling each other. It had been a full on fight, and Castiel was tired. He didn't want to fight Dean anymore, he didn't want to be anywhere near Dean right then.

      One second Castiel was there, the next he wasn't. Dean fell to his knees, his bloody hands on the ground, his lip split, his left eye swelling, his face full of blood and bruises that were sure to come. Sam walks into the bunker, as he had been on an errand. He sees Dean and rushes down to him.

    "Dean, what happened?" Sam asks, worry written all over his face. "Cas . . . " Dean mutters. Sam clenches his jaw. "What happened Dean, from the start," Sam demands. Dean sits down, taking deep, even breaths. "We just . . . got in an argument. I can't even remember what it was about, then I threw a punch, then he did, and we just hit and hit and hit each other, before he just left," Dean told him.

      "You need to stop being so blind, the both of you," Sam says angrily. "What do you mean?" Dean asks. "I'm not blind, Dean. I know you better than you know yourself. You like Castiel, man up, and own it. Tell him Dean, or else you'll lose him," Sam told him. "I don't-" Dean started to object.

     "The both of you fight because there is so much tension, and you guys want to be together, but you won't, so instead of putting that towards the love-which you guys should be doing-you guys should be sharing, you fight, because you're stressed and it hurts not to be with each other. You blind assholes are too much of pussy's to own up that you guys like each other. God Dean, stop the madness. Apologize, and ask him out, seriously," Sam rants.

      Dean just looks down. "He won't come back until you do," Sam adds, before standing up and heading to his room.

Castiel cleaned his knuckles off. Since he was an angel, and Dean wasn't as strong without the Mark of Cain, his blows only stung. But, they hurt more because they came from him. Castiel splashed cold water on his face, frustrated. He exited the bathroom, and went to an empty field somewhere. 

      He fell to his knees, and screamed so loudly the forest shook in fear of the sound. He was tired, tired of pretending that Dean's smile didn't effect him, that he didn't want to hold his hand, kiss his lips, run his fingers through his short hair. 

      Castiel was tired of being around him and not being with him. He couldn't take it anymore. If he stayed around Dean any longer, he'd go mad, and he couldn't take it anymore.

     It made him angry, that Dean could effect him like this. He didn't understand why out of all the humans on this puny earth, out of all the angels, all the demons, he chose Dean. Dean was all of them, he was a human, then an angel, then a demon. He was all of them and none of them. Castiel knew he had fallen in love with Dean, but he couldn't take it anymore.

     He would let go of Dean, because Dean would never love him back, and that's what hurt him the most. Castiel sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry Dean, but I can't be part of your family anymore," Castiel whispered to himself.

Dean sat in his room, his fingers clasped and on his lips, as he thought. He knew that he loved Castiel, but Castiel would never love him back. Dean was terrified of losing Cas. When he thought Cas died as a human, it scared him half to death. He had felt a part of him die, the better part of him. Sam was right, he needed to either man up and tell Cas, or forget about him altogether.

       "Cas, I don't know . . . I don't know if you care or anything, if you want to hear or care. But . . . I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I know I'm such an ass, I know it was stupid. Please come back Castiel, please," Dean begged.

      The sound of fluttering wings were heard, and Castiel was there.

"Cas, I don't know . . . I don't know if you care or anything, if you want to hear or care. But . . . I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I know I'm such an ass, I know it was stupid. Please come back Castiel, please," Castiel heard Dean plead. Castiel knew he should ignore it, that he was going to leave Dean alone, but he couldn't.

      Castiel went to Dean, and stood at the foot of his bed. Castiel noticed Dean was still injured. He couldn't even open his injured eye. Castiel went over to him, and placed his index and middle finger on his forehead, healing him. "Sorry," Castiel replied.

      Dean looked up at Castiel. Castiel noticed Dean's Adam's Apple bob, as if he gulped nervously. "I should be the one apologizing Cas," Dean replied, still sitting in his bed, leaning against the headboard. "Dean, I . . . " Castiel trailed off, not knowing what to say.

He smiled at Castiel softly. "Sam told me something, after you left. He told me to man up, to own up to something that I've been ignoring," Dean started softly. He didn't know what to say. He didn't go around throwing 'I love you' everywhere he went. He had told his mother, and that was it. He didn't tell people, ever, because he didn't need to. They should know, know in the way he acts. But Castiel was blind when it came to things like that.

      "Oh? And what is that?" Castiel asked, tilting his head. Dean crossed his legs, covering his right hand over his length, afraid of a boner that would come to the sexiness of Cas tilting his head. Dean took his left hand and grabbed Castiel's hand.

      Dean heard Castiel's breath hitch as Dean pulled him closer. "Are you afraid, Castiel?" Dean whispered. Castiel didn't answer, only stared wide-eyed at Dean. Dean smiled at him, pulling him closer until Castiel had no choice but to be above Dean.

      He uncrossed his legs as Castiel balanced himself, bracing both hands on the headboard as Dean released his hand. "Are you scared?" Dean whispered, Castiel hovering over Dean as Dean placed his hands on Castiel's hips. "Terrified," Castiel whispered.

     Dean smiled softly at Castiel. "Good," Dean replied, tugging Castiel forward as Cas lost his balance, falling on Dean, moving his hands on either side of Dean's head, as Dean had been forced to lay down. Dean kept his hands on Castiel's hips. Castiel was now touching all of Dean, until separation began after their chests, Castiel's nose hovering over Dean's.

      Castiel's breath hitched. Dean's hands ran up his back, to his shoulders, to his head. He grasped his cheeks, rubbing them softly with the pads of his thumbs. 

     "Have you learned to love?" Dean whispered, his breath fanning on Castiel's face. "Only because you've taught me how," Castiel breathed out, as he found it difficult to breath with this close proximity.

     Dean smiled at Castiel, as he brought his head down further, their lips brushing  against each other, but not quite kissing. "What would you do if I were to kiss you right now?" Dean asked, Castiel's breath mingling with his own. With every word, Castiel shivered, Dean's lips so close. "Stop being such a tease Dean, and kiss me already," Castiel whined, wanting to lean in but Dean's hands restricted him.

     He smiled softly as Cas, bringing him down as his soft lips met Castiel's in sweet harmony. Sam was on the other side of the door, smiling wickedly as he muttered, "About goddamn time."

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