Chapter 1 - That Night

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Chapter 1

The sun was setting. I looked out beyond the grassy meadow, trying to see past the river, but there was nothing there either. Oh, how I longed to be over there. I wanted to travel, but no. I had to stay home and be a good little girl. Following, what dad told me to do, all this bullshit. I sighed and felt the brezze pick my long black hair up, and it went towards the other side, as if it wanted me to follow. But the sun had now set and I knew I needed to get home. I swung down from the branch I had been sitting on and landed with a thud on the soft dirt under my boots. I straightned myself out to my full, 5' 0". I knew I was short and I always got picked on for it, but they were just girls who didn't know their way. At least that's what mom always said. I smiled to myself. The only thing that kept me there was mom. Everything about her was just amazing. Her light blonde hair, her dark blue eyes, her cooking, and escpecially her hunting skills. I know, I know it sounds weird, but it's true. She could trap and kill more game than a man, and that's saying something. I began to walk back to the village and braced myself for what was to come.

He scolded me like he always did. No he didn't ever, ever, hit me. He was just over-protective and strict. I just sat there and took it, like I always did. I nodded at everything he said, and then it was over. I looked up at him, when he pinched the bridge of his nose. He silvery hair had a shine to it and when he opened his golden eyes, he looked back down at me. 

"I just worry about you." was all he said, and then he walked out of the room. My mother, who was standing next to me, sighed. I looked up to her, and she smiled down at me. Then her smile grew wider and said,

"Want me to teach you something new to cook?" I nodded my head eagerly, and keep saying,

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I was twelve, so you kind of have to expect it. Apperently she was teaching me tequila-lime chicken. I look up at her and smiled as wide as I could. Let me just say, I was so proud of myself. It tasted amazing. I chewed happily as dad commented on how good it was. I went to bed, Avis on his perch and slept peacefully.

That was until I heard the screaming. My eyes shot open and I looked around the room. It wasn't me, but it did sound feminine. Mom. Was the first thought to come to mind. I jumped out of bed, Avis screeching like a madman, and made my way into the living room. All was still dark, but the yelling still continued. It was high-pitched and ear-splitting. Yet, it came from outside. Bracing myself, I threw open the door. I was then greeted by a wall of flame. I screamed and stumbled backward. I felt arms catch me, as I fell. I looked behind me and it was a man I didn't know. He had light-brown hair, with the most striking silver eyes in the world. He was young, mabye thirteen, yet he wore the symbol of the King and I knew he was a knight, or at least a knight in training. He brought his index fingers to his lips and I shut my mouth. He pointed to the table, and I crawled under it, waiting for further instructions. He sighed and in the blink of an eye, threw open the door and slammed it behind him. That was when the screaming finally stopped, but it stopped with a gurgle and a gasp.

Going against everything my parents taught me, I ran out from under the table and threw the door open so hard, it shook the hinges. In my t-shirt and shorts, I must have looked out of place, in all the carnage. All the houses were on fire and the townspeople were panicing. I wanted to run over and help so bad, but as I thought that, something wrapped around my waist. I looked down and noticed what seemed to be a thick black cord tightly around my waist. I pulled on it, but it only got tighter. That was when I noticed everyone had gone quiet and was staring at me, intently. I was confused, that was until I felt the hot breath on the back of my neck. I stiffened and screamed as I was suddenly lifted into the air. I heard my name called from somewhere, but I was too focused on the ground suddenly being thrity feet below me. I whimpered, but had stopped screaming.I closed my eyes so I didn't have to see how high up I was. I was jerked to a stop and I slowly opened my eyes.

I gasped as hot air brushed over my face, and my eyes widened, when I saw red ones staring into mine. Surprisingly, my heart rate slowed, instead of picking up. It had a spiked head and it's black scales were smooth under my hands. It's narrow muzzle, brushed against the side of my face, and I gasped at the hotness of it. It's wings were at a weird position, by the way it was standing. As if it were ready to take off at ny moment. For the tales of dragons i've heard, this dragon was much smaller than I imagined.

How dare you call me small. I heard the voice and my head whipped around violently. I tried to find the source of the voice, but found none. I turned back to the dragon, when I felt it's tail tighten around me. I gasped for breath, and I whispered,

"Stop." It tilted it's head to the side as if mockingly and I felt a rumble from within it. It was laughing at me. Now this really just pissed me off. I flicked my head down to look at it completely, and it actually faltered. 

"I said stop." I growled, anger boiling inside me. It look into my eyes, into my very soul, and I heard the voice.

You are the one.

I was suddenly released and I fell through the air, but not, of course, before feeling one of it's spikes rip up my left arm. I screamed bloody murder. It seemed to sence my danger and lifted out it's wing, stopping me from hitting the ground full on. It laid me on the ground and took one last glance at me, before taking off. It quickly and quietly slipped into the night. I breathed out, my arm being numb, I had momentarily forgot I was bleeding like crazy. That was until the stranger from before, ran up to me and began to say something, but to bad, that was when I blacked out.

I shot up in bed, grasping my left arm. My bed was wet with sweat, and I gasped for breath. That stupid nightmare again. I had to forget it someday, but I knew that wasn't going to be anytime soon. I ran a hand through my tangled black hair. Seven years later and I'm still having the same dream. I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and sat up. I rubbed my arm and I could feel the jagged scar, making it's way from my middle finger, up to my collar bone. I pulled myself out of bed, and walked over to my bathroom. I could tell it was around five in the morning, so I walked over to the tub and let the water flow. I had stripped and was combed out tangles in my hair as I climbed in. I put the brush on the counter and settled into the water. I sighed and tried to think about the day ahead of me, but I just couldn't. I kept drifting back to that night. The night. Mom was. I shook the thought out of my head and after several minutes, got out and dried off. I changed into comfortable, black pants, a black t-shirt, and a draped a batered brown cloak over my shoulders. I binded my hair up into a ponytail, grabbed my coins, and slipped on my riding boots. After draining the tub and blowing out the candles, I went out.


Tell me what you think? Oh, I need ideas for the upcoming character Alex. He has red hair and black eyes, his age is around twentyish. Comment, vote,rate. Thanks for reading! :D

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