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In the throne room Kylo and Hux were having a meeting with Snoke. He had news for them. News about the force.
"There is a strong force that I want you both to find." Snoke said. "Bring it here and train it to be a super weapon." Hux stepped up and spoke. "Where is this source at?" "On Endor... In a forest near a village." Snoke replied. Kylo looked up at Snoke. "How old is it? We must know so we can make sure we can influence it." Ren said. Snoke looked distant for a while before answering. "It is young and not educated in the ways of humans. An outcast you would say... I must go. Go find that source and check back with me once you have concealed it." After that the hologram faded.


Hux had all the soldiers prepared for battle and a search party ready to seek the source. Kylo was amongst the search party since he could sense the force. Arriving at Endor, the Troopers deployed and gathered all the villagers in one place. Hux walked towards the group and asked what was in the woods. Some said "A demon sir!", "Monster!", and "Danger!". This annoyed Hux, he was about to have the troopers shoot them down until Kylo stopped him. Hux made sure to have the troopers hold the villagers while he followed Ren into the forest.
(Play music here)
Walking through the forest not knowing where their destination was but Ren was determined to find the source of the strange force. After a while he stopped in front of an opening. He saw a girl. She looked no older than 6 or 7. She was picking berries. She had black messy hair and torn clothing. Beside her was a spear. What surprised them was that she used the force to put the berries she collected in a hand made basket made of grass and flowers. Kylo stepped forward and his foot stepped on a stick making noise. It startled the girl and she turned around quickly and when she saw the ginger and masked knight she dropped her basket frozen. It was a long silent and tense moment. After a while the girl used the force to grab her spear and started to run. Kylo and Hux followed her. After a little chase the girl ended up tripping at the edge of the village causing the villagers to whimper in fear. The girl scotched back and whimpered herself. Hux and Kylo walked up to the girl. Kylo offered a hand to her. She was startled and scooted back further. The force user sighed. He then spoke. "Come with us." The girl looked confused. "Mani naa lle umien?" She said. (Just roll with it). Kylo looked at Hux confused. Hux knowing many languages started to speak. "Tula sinome." The girl tilted her head and shook it. Kylo had enough and picked up the girl earning a whimper of discomfort. "What would you like to do with the villagers?" A trooper asked. Taking thought that it wasn't a First Order planet and how they kept the child a secret and in poor condition, he ordered them all to be killed. He then carried the girl onto the ship. "What is your name?" Kylo asked. Hux repeated what Ren said in the girl's language. "Poisa." She said with a yawn. Hux turned to a Stormtrooper. "Go set up a room for Miss Poisa." The General commanded. The soldier saluted and jogged off. A while of walking through base Kylo walked into the throne room still carrying Poisa. He put the girl down as Snoke appeared. Hux walked in standing next to Ren. "I see you have found the source." Snoke said. "The mission was a success, supreme leader." Hux spoke in his usual emotionless voice. Snoke sat back before speaking once more. "Train her then report back in 8 days.." "Yes Supreme leader." Kylo said. Both the ginger and Sith lord knew that this was going to be an adventure ahead training the new edition.

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