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1. Homophobes

There's one big thing in the world that I don't get.

And that is homophobes.

Okay okay, I get the whole "but god-" "the bible says-" thing.

But to put it really, really clearly, your argument is simply invalid.

I know that the bible says that a man cannot marry a man and a woman cannot marry a woman. And I'm not going to pinpoint and slam the Christian community which is what some people are so set on doing because that is childish. Neither am I going to try to convince anyone who strongly believes in this whole "god said no" thing that being gay is perfectly okay.

But wait wait wait - now I really don't have anything to say about this whole "god said no" thing because it's what y'all chose to believe in and in the end who knows what's real and what isn't. We're all in the dark to be honest (well except for some people but then again I really couldn't give two shits). But the thing is that not everyone has the same beliefs as you. Not everyone thinks the same, not everyone chooses to believe in God and not everyone falls in love with the opposite gender. There are bound to be exceptions, and that's okay.

Heres a thing to think about for the homophobic Christians - didn't we all grew up being taught that God loved us all and that we should love everyone? So why is it that God created these gays, these "abdominations", these "sinners"? What is your true purpose? To achieve happiness and satisfaction? To make sure everyone does as what God wants?

Now let me tell you something - the latter is never going to happen. Sure maybe years later when all these gay rights movements have failed and that every single country is now homophobic and you're all happy, let me tell you a thing. There are always bound to be exceptions. There is always going to be a man who will love another man and a woman who will love another woman and people who love both genders and people who love only the opposite gender and that you will never, ever, be able to triumph over the love they have for each other so you might as well just fuck right off because at the end of the day you'll still remain unsuccessful.

Now there's one really ironic thing that you might've forgotten. What god also said.

Now he also said this: What comes out of you is what defiles you. For from within, out of your hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile you. (TNIV, Mark 7:20-23)

Now tell me, swear to god that you've never gotten envious. You've never felt envious. You've never felt greedy. You've never lied.

So basically we're all evil. There's an evil inside us and it defiles us. SO WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS?


Now then comes the question: why are people all over the world taking so long to accept homosexuality and gay relationships?

Look at me in the eye and tell me that all those political leaders are staunch Christians.

Nope they aren't, right? So why are they so against gays? If it isn't the bible, then what is it?

Let's say its opinion.

Now, its perfectly alright to have an opinion. People don't always agree on the same thing. But the thing is that a lot of people get confused between opinion and criticism and between having an opinion and shoving it down someone elses throat.

Let's give an example of an opinion: I don't like pizza. I don't find it appealing.

Let's give an example of a criticism: Pizza is disgusting and should be banned.

Let's give an example of having an opinion like a good-natured person: I don't like pizza but you love it that's cool.

Let's give an example of shoving your opinion down someone else's throat like a huge fucking douchebag: Pizza is disgusting why do you like it ew freak I don't allow you to eat it ever again get out of my life.

Everyone has different lives and minds and inevitably, opinions. It's cool. You know what's not cool? Controlling someone to have the same opinion and view as you or controlling someone into becoming what suits your opinion and view. Gentle reminder - it's really none of your business what people do with their lives and what people think, so really, departing would leave both you and your unfortunate companion very satisfied.


Now I don't know about you, but my purpose in life is to be happy. *cue cliche speech* Yeah yeah you might have everything in the world - power, affluence, a shit ton of grandkids but in the end if you were never truly satisfied then what was the whole purpose of existing?

Now your definition of life may be different but that isn't important. You know what's important though? Happiness.

We all crave happiness. Or contentment or satisfaction. Settle down. Have a good life. For some people, meet someone special and fall in love. Regardless of gender.

Even though loving someone of the same sex doesn't fit society's definition of a "normal couple relationship", that couple would still be happy. And that fufills our want, desire, craving, doesn't it? To be happy?

And if you're in the way of someone's happiness and it's upsetting you and upsetting the other person, please, feel free to depart. Besides, if you "care" so much about who that gender of who that person loves more than whether they are content with said partner or not, then are you really "doing the best" for them? Or are you really hurting them?

Who people love isn't any of your business after all. Which brings me to my next point: mind your own business.

Who cares who loves who. Why can't John like dick? Why can't Mary prefer boobs? Why are we literally judging and telling who people can love and who they can't based on their private parts it is simply absurd. It's their life, you're not obliged to care about it. In fact, you're very much welcomed to step the fuck out of their lives and not stomp all over them.


"But wait!" some might say. "Stop right there. What if they get children? How would the child feel?"

This makes me want to laugh. You must see that you're basically the root problem of this "child will feel oppressed because of same sex parents" issue. Your beliefs and your opinion is oppressing the poor kid, not their parents. If you could just piss off and not make a mountain out of a molehill we would never have this problem. Let's analyse this closely:

No one bother about who loves who = no one gets criticizes = no one gets judged = no one gets hurt = a better world.

I think the child would lead a perfectly normal life if you could just piss off in the first place.


One of the saddest things in the world is that kids these days are homophobic as fuck.

"But how?" you might wonder to yourself. "They're only kids. They don't know a lot."

Exactly. They're kids. They don't know a lot of things. So how is it that most of the kids these days sneer and mock and taunt with "gay", "fag" and words like that?

Upbringing. Their parents are feeding their opinions to their kids. Their kids grew up with the belief that a man can never love a man and a woman can never love a woman and they grow up thinking it's okay to hurt and bully and taunt anyone who suits the above criteria without actually knowing why.

Because they're kids.


Peace out

Authors Note: this was done at like 12am++ after watching debates on youtube about this whole lgbtq thing and i just wanted to smash my head upon reading the some of the comments. some people don't raise some of the points here and i had to release some steam so bam this happened.

as for the last point, i grew up in the homophobic family. my brothers use "gay" as an insult without actually knowing or stopping to think why being gay is really bad in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2014 ⏰

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