Chapter 1

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(*Sara's pov*)

All I could think about was what next year held for me. I wondered how many classes I would get with the other elements, and what other elements I would meet. People that hold different powers than us are called, elements. Anyone from the water element, I would call by their name, (in sixteen years of the same school, you tend to know people) but say someone from the fire, earth, or wind  element (unless you know them) you call them element. To get specific, you would call them the element they belonged to.

The second from last bell rang and everyone jumped out of their seat, excited for the last period till summer. I was in the back of the room with my friend Jamie.

"Are you ready for summer?" She said as she threw her backpack across her shoulders.

"Who isn't?" I answered as she just gave me a smile and  walked out of the class room.

We went into conversation heading to our next class. I wasn't listening until she looking at me as if waiting for an answer. "What?" I questioned.

"Ugh it's like you don't even listen! I had asked if you wanted to stay at my house tonight."

"Uh, sure," I nodded, walking into our last class. I placed my things in a desk more to the middle, this being the only class we don't have assigned seats in.  Jamie sat next to me,blabbing on until the tardy bell went off.

"I know it's the last day, but we are still in school. Now without further ado, please flip your text books to page five thirty eight." The class groaned and Mr. Dell quickly said,"I'm just kidding! Go ahead and take a free day with your devices, computers are in the front of the room."

At that the whole class did a silent yes and pulled out their phones. I didn't want to pull mine out just yet. What I really wanted to do was gather my  thoughts for the up coming year.

I was sorting through my thoughts when Jamie tapped my shoulder. "Are you ok?"

"Ya! Why wouldn't I be?" I responded. Of course as soon as I said I was fine she gave me a look that told me she already knew what it was that was bothering me.

"You're worried about next year!" She whispered accusingly at me.

"How are you not? I mean between all the new kids and old kids and teachers. A whole other school."

"Just don't be worried now! We have three months before we go back!" She exclaimed.

"That's what worries me," I whispered only loud enough for her to hear.

"What about that worries you?" She whispered at me frightened that she doesn't know me anymore.

"What will I do all summer?" She just laughed in response as I slowly started to join her.

Once the bell rang me and Jamie ran for the door. We had put our backpacks and stuff on three minutes before the bell would ring so we could make it through the halls before the rest of the school piles in. Sadly, we weren't the only ones smart enough to gather our stuff early.

We ride bus fifty six. It was nice being so close that way we didn't have to waste gas and money going back and forth from house to house. We have been the best of friends ever since I moved just down the street. I was writing in one of my notebooks when she noticed me across the hidden pond. I guess she didn't think anyone knew where it was since she seemed alarmed. We knew we were best friends when we had just first met. We became inseparable.

We had just walked in her house when her mom greeted us,"Oh hey, Sam! Celebrating summer tonight?" She grinned, extending her arms to give us a hug.

"Ya," we said in unison laughing at each other. We turned around and started to run up the stairs to her room.

"Have fun, and Samantha don't forget to call your parents! Don't want them to be worried about your whereabouts." She called after us, turning toward the kitchen.

We got up to her room setting our backpacks by the door. She looked at me implying I was to do something. "What?"

She rolled her eyes," Aren't you just gonna get the calling your dad thing out of the way?"

"Nah I'll just shoot him a text. He knows where I am anyways," I shrugged as she gave me a look of approval.

"Ya your probably right. So what are we going to do first? Oh I know," she says, turning to the radio. She put in a CD and pressed play. She turned around and started dancing to the song ILYSB by LANY.

"This is why we are best friends," I grinned while getting up and joining.

We danced for about thirty minutes, listening to song after song, before we decided to go outside and skateboard down to our hill. I say our hill because it has a medium sized pond, where we first met. Now we meet up there to practice our magic, or just hang out and talk. We built a tree house in our favorite tree there, and made it like our home. We first met when we were six and I had just moved.

We climbed to the top and into the tree house. When you walk in you see a little table, two chairs to go with it, and a counter with some bowls and trays of food. On the table is another radio. We sat down at the table.

"What are we going to do now?" Jamie asks looking at me.

"I don't know," I told her, shrugging my shoulders.

She grabbed the radio and ducked to get through the door. I followed. She sat the radio down by the pond and turned it on. She tuned it to one of one of our favorite stations. 

I've always been more of a rock and rap fan yet I love any and every kind of music. To limit music is to live close minded. Elements had "types" in the things they do. Not that we follow exact with the way we do things, it's just, we tended to follow social norms. I've never really fallen into a social norm as weird as it sounds. For example, water elements tended to listen to dance music, wind elements listened to symphonies and classical, earth listening to more holy practices and Christian music, lastly being the fire element. They listened to just about anything just as I do.

After a couple hours of practicing our magic the sun starts to set and we head back to Jamie's house. Just to be sure my mom wouldn't worry, I texted my mom that I was staying the night at Jamie's.

We hadn't realized how hungry we were until we came back to her house. The aroma of food hitting us like a truck as we practically crawled into the kitchen, drool running from the side of our mouths. We filled up plates, ate, and went back for more. Practicing your magic tends to exhaust and drain you after so long, the food being a good chance to reload.

After we ate we decided to lay down. Jamie put a movie on, falling asleep first. She snores louder than I remember. I suddenly realized that she usually snores louder when she's thinking of someone in her sleep. I'll have to ask her about that tomorrow.  I make note as I let my own thoughts put me to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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