Chapter Three

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Hunters P.O.V

We spent most of the day just sitting in the bathroom talking. Jade got to know us all and we got to know a bit about her. 

"What about your parents?" I asked "Oh My God Hunter you have no right to ask about them. Who do you think you are? I'm going!" Jade shouted. I tried to stop her from leaving, but it was no good, she was gone. "What are we going to do now?" Brandon questioned "We're going to go and find her" said Blake "I'll go to the reception and ask for her address, they should give it to me and then we'll go to her house, we can call at a shop and buy her some food and flowers to apologise." I said. 

Jades P.O.V

I can't cope when people ask me about my parents. It's just a very sensitive subject. I feel terrible about having ago at Hunter, he didn't know. Well I just lost one friend. I'm gonna go home and watch Netflix, my mum won't be getting back until tomorrow morning so I've got the whole house to myself. 

Blakes P.O.V

As we were approaching Jades house I could tell that Hunter was getting nervous. "Relax" I said giving him a reassuring smile "W w-hat if we loose her?" He asked stuttering because of his nerves. Brandon ran up to the door and rang the door bell. We waited a couple of minutes until Jade came. She had changed out of her uniform and was now wearing a pair of pink Hollister joggers and an oversized grey jumper that said "I'm 99% sure that I'm a Disney Princess" her hair was in a messy bun, she looked great! I think that I'm beginning to like her, but I know that I can't because she obviously has a thing for Hunter and he has one for her. We all stood there shocked!

Jades P.O.V

I was surprised to see Hunter, Jacob, Brandon and Blake outside of my front door. Hunter was hold a huge bunch of roses, I could tell that he was nervous, because he shoved the roses into my arms, then nervously smiled, looking for forgiveness. "Guys come in!" I said as I welcomed them all inside. They all smiled and walked into my living room and sat down. Hunter was standing at the back of the group, he waited on the door mat. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck, he placed his arms around my waist, we hugged for about thirty seconds because Jacob interrupted by asking where the bathroom was. "Upstairs, first door on your left," I told him. He walked off to go and finds the bathroom. Brandon and Blake seemed to have made themselves comfortable, eating MY popcorn. "Do you want anything else? I'm getting drinks, do you want one?" I asked Brandon, Blake and Jacob. They all nodded. I grabbed Hunters wrist and pulled him into the kitchen. "Jade, I'm so sorry, I didn't know about your parents. Do you-" before he could finish I place my lips on his, our lips moved in sync, it was great. Brandon and Jacob started shouting and cheering, but Blake just stood up and walked out. "BLAKE!" We all shouted together, but he just carried on walking.

Blakes P.O.V

As soon as they kissed I felt myself stand up and walk out. I think that I really like her. As soon as I reached the door, I opened it, took one look over my shoulder and walked out. I felt hurt that they kissed, I was jealous of Hunter and angry. I don't know what to do. I just carried on walking, until I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. I looked behind and saw Brandon and Jacob trying to keep up with  me.  

"What do you want?" I growled over my shoulder. "What's the matter?" Brandon asked tugging on  my sleeve to try and stop me from walking. "Did you not see them? All lovey-dovey. Standing there as though nothing was wrong, as though they've know each other forever. It hurt me!" I said as I felt my eyes fill up with tears. "You like her?" Jacob questioned. "Isn't it obvious?" I snapped back. Jacob and Brandon stopped walking, shocked. "You can't hurt Hunter!" Brandon yelled loosing his temper. "Do you think I want to? He's my best friend! I can't change what I feel though" I yelled back. 

Hunters P.O.V

When we kissed I felt fireworks go off. I guess I'm forgiven! But what's Blakes problem? I thought he'd be happy for me. When Brandon and Jacob followed Blake out of the house me and Jade went and sat down in her living room, watching Netfilx. We sat there in silence until Jade said "Look, Hunter I'm sorry for what happened, I didn't know that Blake had feelings for me. I think you should leave."  "It's not your fault! Why do you want me to leave?" "I can't do this now Hunter, just leave."  I stood up and slowly walked to the door. Why's she sending me mixed messages? Once minute she kisses me, the next she's asking me to leave? I can't read her. 

Save Her... Hunter Rowland-Blake Gray-Jacob Sartorius-Brandon RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now