Chapter 13

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I'd pinched myself at least fifteen hundred times to see if I was just in some kind of dream. I had done it. I had come to New York and done it. Just like that. It was deceivingly easy.

I quickly dialed John's number. "Dude, guess what!"

"Umm, I give up. What?"

"You are now talking to a NYU graduate!"

"No way, that's amazing! I knew you could do it. I've already planned what we're going to do to celebrate." My curiosity was peaked.

"Is that right?" I inquired.

"You know it. But as you already could've guessed, I'm not going to tell you what I've got up my sleeve."

I should've seen that coming from a mile away. I find it funny that since I met him, he always manages to surprise me. Like, when he told me that he loved me. I had to hand it to him, that was the biggest surprise of all.

"Ok, whatever," I responded. "Are you going to accompany me to the university at noon to get all my awards?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. See you there." I hung up the phone.

My arm and my side still ached. I peeked under the bandage and found that it was almost healed, but it wasn't quite a sight for sore eyes.
I almost didn't think that the crash happened. Like it was just a figment of my imagination. It seemed unfathomable that I'd have landed in a hospital with John.

My mind itched at something at the back of my brain.
What are John and I, anyway?" I thought. It seemed either that we were the weirdest couple of friends ever or the weirdest couple ever.

I couldn't deny my feelings but he sure knew how to conceal his. Sometimes he'd treat me as if I was his best friend and other times like his soul mate. It was all so confusing.

I step outside wanting fresh air, but somehow I find myself on the steps of NYU. It just dawned on me that I'd never got the chance to look around. As soon as I got inside, I'd been rushed right out.

I walked in the ginormous building. I still admired it like the first time I was here. The artistry on the walls left me in awe. These artists were much better than I was. I could take notes and still not match their level of expertise.

My feet traveled everywhere around that school. Any amount of square feet anyone could've imagined, you better believe I've been there. I didn't want to miss anything. Not a single crevice left unseen. Most people would think I was crazy for taking such admiration for a building.

A text from John.
Hey, where are you, Lewis???

I answered back,
University. Way ahead of you.

I'll be there :)

Moments later I see John standing at the doorway. I call from a flight of stairs, "Up here."

He ascends the stairs and joins me, standing in front of a painting. It depicts the Eiffel Tower. A couple stood under a bright red umbrella. The covering looks so out of place, due to the fact that the setting was black and white. Like a rose blooming in the desert.

"I've always wanted to go there, you know. I'd stand on the Eiffel Tower and look at the stars." He looks at the art like a father would look at his new born child.


"Yeah. Where have you always wanted to go? Or are you just as level headed as you seem?"

I laughed softly. "This is it: New York. I've always wanted to come here. And I have to say, I don't regret it. I mean, I've got you. What's to regret?" He rested his head on mine and interlocked his fingers with my fingers.

"Yeah, what's to regret," he repeats, winking at me.

"Ramona Lewis," I heard someone call from downstairs.

The woman on the phone stood beckoning me from the front desk. I practically run down the flight of stairs and meet her at the bottom.


"Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" In her arms are a black silk robe and a cap. She holds a diploma in one of her hands. There was also a camera around her neck.

Oh, God, I am certainly not picture ready nor am I the slightest bit photogenic.

I slip on the robe over my clothes and I hold the diploma and cap in my hands. If only my parents could see me now.

"Put the cap on, dude." John rushes down the stairs. He helps me adjust it.

Last came the diploma. It felt good beneath my fingers. I had it in my possession and I couldn't believe it.

"Congratulations, Mona," John says wrapping me in a hug.

"Ready?" the lady asks, fixating the camera on us. The flash of it cast shadows on the wall.

"Woo!" John picks me up and twirls me around. "You made it!" I laugh and he puts me down cheesing from ear to ear. He looks even more excited than I am.


"What are we? Like what is actually are relationship status?" I couldn't help asking.

He ponders this, pausing the conversation.

"I don't know. To be completely honest, I'll take what I can get. We could be dating or we could be friends or we could even be friendly strangers. As long as we're together, life is as it should be."

He was smiling at me. He was smiling at me with that stupid heart melting smile and looking at me with those stupid mysterious eyes. Every bone in my body pushed me to keep focused.
To keep my eyes on the prize. But I couldn't. Not while he was being all cute.

And besides, who's to say that John isn't a reward to be focused on?

"Well, in my own opinion, I think the first option would do just fine." I smiled back.

"You serious?" He lit up.

I nodded still grinning. His attitude was always so infectious.

"Ok, well if we're gonna do this, we're gonna do this right," he says running up to the front desk and grabbing a tulip from a bouquet of flowers in a glass vase. He gets down on one knee, holding the flower in his hands.

"Ramona Lewis, will you do me the absolute honor of being my girlfriend?"
My cheeks turn a crimson shade, because not only was this super cheesy, but now the few people who were there were starting to glance our way.

"John Andrews, I would love to do you the honor of being your girlfriend." He springs up on his feet.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He walks up to me and kisses me softly on the lips. When we pulled away I caught the callous woman overstepping her boundaries. She actually looked sincere. She actually smiled. I had never seen her smile since I met her.

Before I could react to anything else, John pulls me out the door.
"Come on!"

"Where are we going?" I say running along side him.

"I told you. I have something planned."

Don't you always.

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