In Search Of God

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In Serch of God Table of Contents


Table of Contents 2

1. A Most Evident Mystery 3

2. Does God Exist? 5

The Beginning of the Universe 11

Expansion 13

Harmony 14

The Right Proportion 15

Checks and Balances 18

3. Man Does Not Stand Alone 21

4. God-A Source of Conviction 25

5. God-Oriented Life 30

6. The Concept of Accountability 36

In Search of God 40

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In Serch of God

1. A Most Evident Mystery


WHAT ONE is most convinced of is his or her own existence. Despite this, in purely scientific terms, everyone is a mystery. For man is not what he physically appears to be, but consists of what he calls I, and the I is not observable.

That is why when the philosopher Rene Descartes (1596-1650) wanted to give proof of his own existence, he did not say: "I consist of a body that is observable, therefore I exist." Instead he had to say: "I think, therefore I exist."

Man undoubtedly has an observable existence. We all know that man exists. But, in fact, this man's existence is at the level of "I" and the cognisance of I is at the level of perception or comprehension, and not at the level of observation.

Exactly the same is true of God. It is, as if, God is a Greater I. God, at the level of His creation, is directly observable. But God at the level of His Being is not directly observable by man. We shall have to believe in God on the basis of the same logical principle which Descartes employed to

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In Serch of God

1. A Most Evident Mystery

know himself, and on which all men and women believe in their own existence.

I can comprehend God, therefore God exists. The truth is that God's being comprehensible is an undeniable proof of His existence. If we deny God, we shall have to deny our own selves. Since we cannot countenance our own denial, we cannot countenance God's denial either. Everyone who believes in his own existence is logically compelled to say, "I exist, therefore, God exists."

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In Serch of God

2. Does God Exist?


DOES GOD exist? My answer to this question is in the affirmative. Based on my study and my experience, I can say with full conviction that God exists. There is no doubt about it. When I say that God exists, I say this in the scientific sense and not in the popular sense.

People generally believe that they are in a position to prove or disprove anything. But this is not the scientific position. According to modern science, you cannot prove or disprove anything, You can only arrive at a probability, rather than a certainty. If there is sufficient data to show that this or that thing probably exists, then one can make the statement that this or that thing exists.

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