Cover 2

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Hello! Finally a second cover 🙌🏻 lol. So this book is called Tutoring The Rich Boy and it is one of the few books (the only one, maybe?) I am currently reading due to my busy schedule. I feel old saying that... But it is true lately I have been more busy than usual.
Anyhow, this book is about this girl named Willow who has to tutor Josh, the rich boy 💁🏻 Sounds like a pretty normal plot but I can assure you, it is not like any other book. I don't know I just love it.
So, this book is written by the amazing Candy_Kiss_101 (she is really amazing, I'm not just saying it to look polite or anything).
Did you like the cover? Hope you did! Lemme hear it out 👌🏻
Till the next time

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