
Laurence: hey Garroth Aph has something to tell you

Aphmau: Me and laurenec are dating

Garroth: I.........


Garroth: I ...... I'm happy for you guys * mubbles I wish she was mine*

7 months later

Aphmaus pov

I was out of my house katelyn and kawaii~chan aren't home (Aphmau lives alone now well katelyn and kawaii~chan live with her) Oh I know I'll go to laurenec I'll surprise him *knocks on door 17 times no answer *
Ugh that's it I'm just going *gose in sees laurnce kissing Sasha*

Aphmau: H-how c-c-could you laurnce *runs away crying*

Laurenec pov

Irene help I need text aph and see if she will meet me tomorrow that way I can explain ugh I hate Sasha why did she just breck my window and kiss me


L- Aph meet me tomorrow plz

A- No there's no fixing this broken heart now leave me along

Hey guys Raylin here I hope you enjoy 2 YouTube videos one at very top one above this text thanks for reading

A Heart That Cant Be FixedWhere stories live. Discover now