Chapter 8

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“If you had a bad day what are you so cheerful about?” She asked him.

“This food I will lose myself in, I shall then distract myself with romantic films, dress myself in great clothing and then make some clothing. Then I shall sleep and get up the next day to go to work.”

“Why would you be cheerful in a world where little children die everywhere?”


“My name is Gwyneth Gray.”

'Fitting miss Gray.”

“Why so?”

“No reason.”

“There is a reason behind that mocking expression. There is always a reason for every little single thing in this universe, that includes the suffering and pain of all of humanity. There must be a reason for all of it.”


“And do you suffer as a homosexual? Do you suffer from the prejudice of others?”

“Excuse me?”

“Do you suffer from the prejudice of others nameless one?”

“Hum- I am actually straight.”

“I suppose to assume such a thing was wrong of me, to assume the sexuality of another and I can tell this from the offense I read from your eyes. You are right to feel sad. The world is such a sad, sad and lonely place.”

“Its a common assumption. Miss Gray-”

“Why did you not tell me your name?”

“Gleoite Murphy.'

“That sounds Irish.”

“Both sides of my-”

“Could you come to my poetry reading please? I will pay you to drive me there.”

“Hum but-”

“The world is such a sad place, there is no kindness in it and not thought for others.”

“Okay- okay.”

“Thank you Gleoite.”


Gleoite Murphy had been molested by a drunken manly woman, cleaned her place and left the next morning without sex. He also shopped a lot that day to take his mind off a lot of things. The weird Vance woman, his sister and other things.

He was in the car with a oddly dress girl named Gwyneth Gray. Her arms were folded and she stared out the window. Her eyes so sad and she was deep in contemplation. He maybe did too many kind things for people today. At least this chick did not molest him. Sure the boxum woman might have been attractive but- to do someone he was not even dating and- His father stressed marriage before sex- hyprocritical because of his brother.


Miss Gray closed his door, her black eyes stared at the ground and she waited for him. He sat in the car and thought she would just pass money to him through the window but she did not. He sighed, got out of the car, rolled up the windows and locked his baby. He then asked for the money, she gave it to him and then asked him if he would come in. She then said a whole something about no kindness in this world. He sighed and went inside with her.

He opened the door for her and a blush crept onto her cheeks and when she looked at him she glared at him. His eyebrows rose and he was confused. She pulled him along and they sat down. A lot of poetry was read and he only liked the romantic stuff. He wondered why he let himself be dragged into this place. She gave him her phone number by the end of it and he left for home.

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