taxi drivers

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Picture this. Your in a dark room and can't seem to be able to see what's in front of you. All you can do is feel around you. You try to use your other senses but they all seem to be shut off by the strong aroma of death. The scent seems to be getting much stronger as you inch forward. You hear a wail of agony off in the distance, and there is a strange pinching sensation in your feet, every step you take is agonizing.

Now amplify these feelings by twenty, this is what Sam was feeling. She didn't know why she had to agreed to come on this trip or why John had convinced her to go to the hell hole. All she knew is that she had to find him and get out.

From what she could tell, she was entrapped in a small enclosed room. A large closet perhaps? Or maybe she was in the hotel.. It smelled musty, like wet pavement on a rainy afternoon. The ground beneath her sore bare feet was soaking wet. Now, Sam was unsure why her brain immediately went to this thought but it did. Be that as it may, she later found out her worst nightmare had become her reality. So regardless of it all, she wound up in prayer. Sam was not an overly religious person yet she forced herself to pray it was not blood, for she can not stand the sight of it. Should an event like that ever occur she would projectile vomit everywhere. 

Sam cautiously took a step forward, then another, then one more, and then.. THUD! She had walked into something... Something large. Sam jumped back. "Hello?" She called out hopelessly. However the only response she got was silent, darkness. Sam lifted her hand from her side hesitantly, and felt the area in front of her. She attempted to search for a light switch. Fumbling about, she touched what felt like a hanger, then a mop, then some sort of fabric until finally... Aha! She flicked the switch on. Just as she whirled around to get her bearings she stumbled to the ground in terror from what her eyes settled on. What laid, or more accurately 'hung' in front of her brought tears to her eyes. Sams throat went dry and tears began to stream down her face like an early spring shower.

There in front of her hung the corpse of the taxi driver from earlier with a nuce around his neck and blood stained clothing. He had warned her about the hotel. She thought about his last words to her and they seemed to hang in the air, making the space heavier and darker than ever. Almost...claustrophobic "May the angels watch over you child. Few people hold the knowledge as to what lies in that horrid hotel but god knows its not to be messed with. This is the work of the devil. Be careful child, be careful, satan always knows when you've been naughty."

so I don't know if this was decent or not... However I do enjoy writing regardless of the (usually) horrible outcome. So lemme know what your thoughts are•

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