Chapter 10:

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*Harry's POV*

Three in the morning. Three in the morning and I was still walking around the house in a confused state. My life was falling into pieces! I could feel it slipping out of my grasp. I wandered up the stairs, taking my shirt off in the process. I found out that it was a stupid idea when I almost tripped up the stairs. I walked into mine and Sapphire's room, hoping to god she wasn't there. She was. I sighed, sitting down on the floor. No way was I sleeping next to her. Her presence made me want to punch a wall. She was acting smug and happy about the reply I got from Victoria and it was all her fault!

"Baby get into bed!" Sapphire said, giving me a disgusting wink.

I frowned, shaking my head. She frowned as well.

"Why not?" Her voice had become higher.

"I don't want to." I gave her the simple answer. But of course she had to push it.

"Why? Is it that bitch again? I swear if she has upset you I will kill her!" She said. I raised my eyes, my mouth opening in an O shape.

"If she has upset me? Are you seriously that stupid? How dare you! Her. Upset me? No! That's your job!" I shouted.

She looked shocked. She should be!

"W-what are you talking about Harry?" She asked, her voice was becoming unbelievably annoying. It's strange how you can hate someone you used to love this much!

"I'm talking about you. I have stopped talking to her for you! I stopped texting her! Then you go and push it! You send her a horrid text! You pushed her away from me even more! I didn't even this it was possible! All she was ... was just a friend." I hesitated on the last few words.

I had just lied. Well not completely. I don't know. I've just had this feeling, like we should be more than friends.

"Harry! You are lying! I saw that picture!" She screamed at me.

"The picture that was such an obvious photoshop that even a three year old could tell it was fake!" My voice so loud it echoed off the walls.

She flinched at my words. "I don't believe you." She whispered, her eyes narrowing.

"Oh really? Well then you can leave!" I said with a cocky smirk.

"What? What the fuck?" She screeched.

"Trust. I'm talking about trust. It is important in a relationship. Obviously there is non of it in this one. So it's over." I growled the last few words. Her shocked gasp angered me even more.

"How dare you! You fucking ass hole! I can not fucking believe you! I hate you Harry Styles!" She screamed.

"Don't you dare say my name! Don't even say it! You have to leave. First thing tomorrow!" was all I had to say.

She stood up, wiping a few tears off her cheeks.

"I'll leave now and get my things in the morning. Just tell your little bitchy fans to stay away." She whispered.

"Don't call my girls bitchy." I said, not even looking at her.

She had some nerve, seriously. She ran out the room. I closed my eyes as the door slammed. I had just split up with the girl I had been with for about two years. I stood up. You know I said Sapphire's presence made me want to punch a wall? Well I did. My fist came in contact with the wall multiple times, causing a gaping hole to appear on the cream wall. The muscles in my body tensed and I clenched my fist in anger and frustration. It felt as if every vain in my body was sticking out, and I know that when I should a vain in my neck sticks out. The door opened.

"Haz? You okay?" Louis asked. Oh god Lou. Not now!

"No! No Louis I'm not! Do I look fucking okay to you?" I spat. Harry stop! Stop it!

"Harry. What the actual fuck has gotten into you? I'm just trying to be a good friend! Obviously you don't appreciate us. You don't appreciate me! I really hope this is just because you are upset." And with that, he left.

Walking out of the room and out of the front door. He would probably go and stay with Niall. He wouldn't stay with Liam because he would be with Danniel. And Zayn would be with Perrie. I took in a shuddering breath. I just fucked up. Big time. Louis hated me! Victoria hated me! The boys were going to hate me. Sapphire hates me. Everyone hates me, including myself. All I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry. And that is exactly what I did. I felt like I was suffocating. I felt my whole life cave in on me. Crushing me. I sobbed harder and harder until there was nothing left but dry sobs. I had cried so much all tears had stopped falling. The house was deadly silent. The only noise was my pathetic sobbing and gasping. I needed to sort this out. Work my way through this shit. Starting with Louis then Victoria. I'm dreading this...


Im really tired of doing one of these, i know most of you hate it, lol, but it would mean a lot of you could get us to 100 votes, like please vote, and comment, it means so much to me and ciara, this is the biggest fanfic i've had and i just love seeing people enjoying to read this!


-Ciara AND Lilyy

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