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 A fire burned, the flames whipped about like the flags in a strong wind. The room light like a Christmas scene, but no decorations, barren but with beds and very few personal items. An old man sat in a chair and 3 young children. The man was old, one eye white with a scar running down from his forehead to his cheek, balding and a rough facial hair growing on his face. In a raspy voice:

"Jinto Sun, King of Lorain.

Many, whom did refrain.

From his madness strong, his family had done no wrong.

Killed, butchered, murdered, hung.

Now stretched, far and flung.

His travels are stories of legend.

Kingdoms warned and threatened.

Civil War gone and ended.

But his venture east was a mistake in itself.

Now the world hangs on the edge of a shelf.

With men at each other's throat.

Now fight over the leg of a goat.

War now rages throughout the realm of men.

Death reigns time and time again.

We sit at the end of times.

From which we commit many crimes.

But now comes the year of rain.

Anniversary of a birth of the man who we now fain

celebrate, Jinto Sun, King of Lorain.

The old man looked outside to the guardsmen throwing bodies into the mass gravesite. the East Guard were placed in the paranoia of the late king. The people who joined were dutifully loyal to the king and took their jobs very seriously. The Civil War was bloody but the East Guard was spared due to that it was a wise decision to place a defense force just in case the Elves of Ka'gath had ever displayed distrust. It was a bitter night, cold as glacier ice and wind that seeped into clothes, biting like a hornets sting.

"How many more?", Captain Frazer asked in deep breathe from heaving bodies.

Frazer was a veteran of the East Guard, in his late forties, he was an original member when the order was first founded. He had been part of the royal guard sent to turn the new recruits across the country. This was not the first time he had to dump bodies but this is the first time there were so many.

"More than over 3 quarters."-Hirodir jokingly laughed.

Erik was watched over them just a precaution, He was wrapped in a dark sable cloak and knitted scarf that was wrapped around his neck. His breath was like steam in the frigid air, Ice formed on the ends of his hairs from the sweat from working.

"The number of bodies we have to dump is just overwhelming, We've been at this for the last 3 hours and we haven't even made a dent into the pile."-Erik said grunting as he shivered.

These men were not the first nor the last to be given this arduous job. But this night would be different from the rest of those to do this. The Chill in the air was otherworldly as if it was not just nature but a living being. The air seemed to make the bodies stiff and turn a pitch white, preserving them as if they were just slumbering.

Hirodir gasped and said, "Fuck, I swear one of them just moved!" The rest laughed as they thought Hirodir was just making a quick mood turning statement.

"Your hands are just so cold you touched yourself, the feeling in your hands starts to go after frostbite sets in. Erik!" Frazer yelled over the howling wind, "Give him your gloves you've been sitting for awhile, Hiro needs them more than you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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