7: The day after

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A/N: omg the new GM high school promo 😱
Riley slowly opened her eyes when she noticed that she wasn't in her room. Not in a bed, not even inside. She was still outside, on the roof. Her head was resting on Lucas' shoulder who had protectively hit an arm around Riley. Riley looked at his watch and read the time: 09.02. She shocked up making Lucas wake up too. "Shit!" She yelled. "W....what?" He muttered trying to see what's going on. "Lucas! It's nine in the morning! I'm supposed to go to work, you're supposed to go to the pet clinic!" Riley yelled pacing around. "and we're still locked!" She said motioning to a closed door. Lucas groaned. "Well we have an explanation" Lucas said yawning and stretching. Riley walked up the door one more time. "I just want to get out!" She yelled pushing the door, making it swing open and her fall on her face.

Lucas jumped up and ran at her. "Riley are you ok?" He asked helping her up. She wiped the dust of her dress. "Yeah I'm fine. But the door was just open!" She said looking around. Lucas took the door and saw that there was a lock on it. "Hey, you can open this door both sides, someone just Locked it last night!" He said. Riley frowned. "Who would do that?" Riley asked. "Probably some drunk people who thought it was funny" Lucas lied. He had a suspicious feeling who it could've bin. "Anyway, I'm going home. Charlie is probably not home right now. gives me time to freshen up and head to work" Riley said. She wanted to walk down the stairs but Lucas held her back. "Riley" he started. She faced him and smiled. "I know that it wasn't the best night but...but kinda had fun" he said. Riley gave him a big hug. "I had fun too" she mumbled in his shirt. He smiled. But Riley letted go too soon and Lucas' smile quickly faded. "I have to go" she said. "I'll see you later!" She yelled while running down the stairs. Lucas smirked as he slowly  followed behind her.

Lucas walked inside Maya and Farkles apartment. Maya looked up from her magazine and pulled a busted face. "Uh oh" she said before jumping up and running around the room while Lucas chased her. She eventually tripped and Lucas caught her. "What the hell Maya!?" He yelled while holding her on the floor whit her wrists. "Oh hey Lucas, didn't see you there" Maya laughed nervous. "Why did you lock me and Riley up?" Lucas asked. "Whaaaat?" Maya said obviously lying. Lucas growled and letted go of her wrists. "Get up" he demanded while reaching out for her. He pulled her up. "Why did you do that?" He asked. "I thought you wanted to spend some time alone, Lucas!" Maya said not understanding. "Of course I want to spend time with her but not against her will! We were perfectly fine up until we found out we were locked!" Lucas said swinging his arms up motioning to the roof. "What did you do all night?" Maya asked. Lucas sighed and looked down. He knew that Maya would start whining for answer so he could dodge that and tell her now hope listen to her complains for the next hour. "We talked, picked up some memories" Lucas said. "Really?" Maya asked smirking. "I don't want you to force her to spend time with me" Lucas said. He waited a second bedroom heading out the door, leaving Maya's place.

Riley slowly opens the door to her apartment finding it completely silent. She breathed lit of relief and walked inside, throwing her heels aside and starting to walk to the bedroom. "So you finally decided to come home!" Riley froze when she heard Charlie's voice. She turned around and saw him in a spinning chair. He  turned around. "Did you have fun?" He asked. "Charlie I am so sorry, I can explain" Riley said before he freaked out. "You don't need to explain. I kept an eye on Maya's Instagram last night and thus picture catched my eye" Charlie showed his phone and Riley saw a group picture Maya took. In the back you could see her and Lucas. The picture was captured the moment Riley grasped Lucas' wrist to hold him back. So it looked like they were holding hands. "It's not what it looks like!" Riley started. "I f*cking told you to stay away from him!" Charlie bursted out. "I'm sorry" Riley yelped. "You cannot see him again!" Charlie yelled. He forced her to kiss him. Riley tried to fight back but he was to strong. Eventually he pulled away and Riley wiped her mouth of. "Go change, you look ridiculous" he said pointing towards the bedroom. Riley nodded before heading there. Charlie growled. He snatched his jacket and swung the door open. "I'm heading to work!" He yelled to Riley. He waited for a response from Riley before he left out the door, smirking.

Lucas turned of the streaming water of the shower. He sighed for the millionth time that day and wrapped a towel around his waist, covering his private part. He walked towards his bedroom to take some clothes. When he passed the mirror he saw his bruised ribs. He ran his fingers over them and them snatched a pair of boxers of his bed. While he was turning them on he heard loud knocks on his door. He groaned. The last thing he wanted was some people on his door step trying to sell him things. Cause they were the only people that actually came around this time a day. Lucas ignored the banging on his door until the person called his name. "I know you're here Friar!" He heard the one and only Charlie Gardener. He cursed under his breath and quickly zipped up his pants while walking towards the door. "Open up!" He yelled again. Lucas swung the door open and Charlie immediatly pushed him. He flinched at the pain on his ribs. "What the hell dude!" Lucas yelled. "You need to stay the f*ck away from Riley!" Charlie pushed Lucas against his wall. "If you really trusted her you know she wouldn't do a thing with me" Lucas said while trying to push him off. He didn't have as much strength as usual because he was still a little weak from the accident. Charlie punched Lucas in the jawline. "I don't want you anywhere near Riley, I don't want your idiot face even watching her!" Charlie yelled while punching Lucas again. Lucas finally got away from Charlie's grip. "Fine! Fine! For Riley's sake. I'll stay away from her" Lucas yelled while backing up. He felt his face bleeding. "But please don't hurt her, or treat her like she's your teen daughter. Let her live Charlie" Lucas said. "I'll decide over that" Charlie hissed. He growled before leaving, shutting the door behind him.

A\N: so Charlie is pissed as hell. He beated up Lucas without riley knowing. Do you think Lucas will tell or keep it a secret? And will he keep his promise to Charlie and stay away from Charlie. Who knows?😝
Anyway, holy shit that new promo! 😱 but don't worry everything will be alright! Rucas is alive. It still is. I think this is gonna be an important season for both ships. Tell me what you expect of it. Xxx

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