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"And how are you this fine day my lady?" The cocky hero, Chat Noir smugly asked as he stood comfortably behind the female heroine.

She didn't answer.

"Is something wrong?" his voice had changed into concerned tone. She had made no movement, her back firmly facing him, her hair dancing with the wind in the air and her figure stood somewhat stiff and still. Within a moment, the stillness of her body vanished as she dropped to her knees and shook violently. Chat was fast to run towards her and kneel infront of her. "My Lady-" his breath hitched when he saw the tears that ran down her beautiful face. "M-My Lady, what happened?" he wrapped his arms around her neck and pulled her in for a hug. Her face made it's way to where his neck and shoulder meet and she whimpered.

"Ch-Chat... i-it wa-was horrib-ble... H-He l-l-likes s-someone else..." she managed to whimper out before wailing and clutching onto the hero tightly. He looked at her back in shock, 'Who could possibly break My Lady's heart like that?'. "Ladybug..." he whispered as he rubbed her back soothingly.

She kept whispering words that cat couldn't catch but he continued to comfort her, whispering sweet nothings to her. After a few minutes, she managed to stop the tears but held onto Chat for a few moments, before returning her hands to her eyes, wiping the excess tears away.

Her face was slightly pink from all the crying and her eyes were lightly baggy, but nevertheless was still beautiful. "T-Thank y-you..." she said softly with a bright smile,

a smile Chat had never seen before.

Sure she had smiled, but that smile... That was different. It made him feel all giddy inside, made him feel like he could do anything.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked while taking a small step forward. She sighed and nodded, "Since you helped me... I guess you should know what happened..."

"So... um... There's this guy I like... and I've liked him for so many years, and today I had finally had enough courage to tell him... So I did, but he said he liked someone else. My friend was hiding near by and heard everything so as soon as I heard th-those words s-slip his mouth... I-I"

'I'm sorry Marinette, but I like someone else...'

Ladybug shook her head, trying to get that voice out of her head. "I ran... I don't think I've ever ran so fast. I soon transformed and then you found me..."

Chat looked down at the floor he as standing on. They were on the Eiffel Tower, the part of the tower where the elevator couldn't reach. 'So she did love another...' was all that played through his mind, but he managed to push the thought away as he held out his hand. Ladybug gave him a questionable look, but took his hand.

He grinned, trying to push away the gloomy thoughts. "He's an idiot if he rejected you. Your beautiful, amazing, brave, bold, smart and breath taking. Only a huge dumbass could love another, My Lady." he kissed her knuckles and looked up at her.

Ladybug was awe-struck. His eyes... they were so... sure they were green but... they were swimming with concern, happiness and acceptance. She guessed he was sad about her liking Adrien but the happiness... maybe it was because she was rejected? No, Chat Noir was a flirt but not a jackass. She then studied him, his face, his body, his-


She then took a few steps forward, close enough that their chests both met. "Chat... can I try something...?" she asked, but it came out breathy and needy. Chat silently gulped and looked into her eyes. "A-Anything my lady..." he replied quietly.

His lips... were nothing like anything she had felt before. When they pressed against hers, it was as if a part of her she never knew she needed was gone but now it was back. They were soft too, like really soft. She placed her hands on his shoulders as he placed his claw-like ones on her hips.

She knew he was shocked at first, but he quickly recovered as he slid his tongue over her bottom lip. She also knew what this indicated. No, she had never kissed anyone before but that didn't mean she didn't know what to do. She hesitantly opened her mouth and almost pushed him away when he felt his tongue move into her mouth.

It teased her own, trying to get it into action. Her tongue slid against his as she explored his mouth as he did the same to hers. She let out a soft moan at the feeling, it was weird, a good weird. Ladybug shot her eyes open when she felt the male move, pushing her against a firm piece of metal of the Eiffel Tower. She saw his eyes firmly shut but his hands began to move up her sides and towards her hands that now pressed hard against the Tower.

Because of lack of oxygen, they both pulled away, panting for air. His eyes now were half lided, only making him look more...


When she heard her miraculous beep, she heard Chat grunt. Ladybug giggled and scratched under his chin, making him lightly purr and smile. "Is this how you comfort everyone?"

"My Lady, my kissing comfurrt is only for you~"

"To be continued, right kitty?"


He watched her swing away, when she was out of sight, he couldn't help but touch his lips.

'Did I just kiss Ladybug?'


OMG, Thanks for 100 Followers ^^ 

I think I gagged while writing this...

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