Chapter 3: Wrong Choices.

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Of course, it had to be him, who else would I expect to be with a blonde at this hour? with that sleek,body and just fucked up brown hair, leaning against the blonde, his hands exploring her leg, almost lifting it up.

Ashton Stark,the guy I and Rhea only bitch about, he's always in news, be it for his hot pictures on Facebook, or how he broke another girl's heart,or how junior girls, drool over him or how I had a crush on him in grade 8, although I hate to admit it, but he's someone anyone would lose their heart to, probably the reason, this blonde is still kissing him, in spite of knowing his playboy tricks,
The moment, he broke my friend Lilly's heart in grade ten, I crushed my crush,but he still had so many girls, maybe they just want some fun too, maybe that is why they say he gets what he wants always.

I am broken with my chain,of thoughts,with the blonde now staring at me, wide eyed.
Wait, I know her, she is Janet, Mia's best friend.
Monday morning greetings, is it?
I am sure she didn't expect me. Her eyes clearly show that.
The moment she saw me at the door, the only words that left her mouth were "what the fuck are you bloody doing here?" in coordination with her hands adjusting her skirt and bra,still very much visible though.

"What people are supposed to do, after watching you, puke maybe?"it was such an abrupt, answer I don't know how, but the words just left my mouth.

"Sure, I will make sure, you do that in front of the whole school, sweety" saying this she kissed Ashton on the cheek and left, with a disgusted look on her face.

Yeah right, as if I care, I wanted to say that too, but stopped, knowing the fact that she was one of those 'Mia Ray Squad Person'. No, I sure couldn't say that, messing up, with them, not a good idea.
Whatever, for the first time atleast, I had my little moment of victory, I sure didn't want to throw up now, at least after my win against the "M.R. squad" girl, I wanted to rather dance,in the most hilarious way possible, in fact I even lifted my hands and legs up fr the birdy dance position,and just then I realize,a pair of blue eyes, still staring at me.
The presence,I completely ignored
Awkward level : 54%
Instantly, my muscle memory, made my hands and legs come back to the straight position again. I could almost hear, the national anthem.

The Handsome figure was now approaching me, with an evil smirk on his face and hands in his pockets, He was wearing faded blue jeans, with a simple white T-shirt, and although again I hate to admit, but he was looking absolutely hot. Poor Janet, did I like spoil her day? Or Wait did I just annoy him too?

"What, are you doing Ashton?" I said, taking my steps back.

"What people are supposed to do, after a nosy person interrupts,their make out session" he said, still approaching me, with a less distance between us now, his eyes right into mine. They looked intense, you are in trouble Nikki, yelled my inner voice.

"What ddd do you mean?" I said now stuttering.

"You know, she was the easiest fuck I could ever have, not that I haven't had more easier before, but I anyway was having a bad morning, for which she was just compensating, and you, yes you, out of nowhere, come and take it all away", he said it, in just a breath,emphasising the YOU, that too twice, does he know me? With this, he was pinning me almost against the door.
His body was now inches away from mine, He made me sweat, instantly, I don't know what I was scared of, his hot body, against me, or my heartbeats that he could hear now.

"Get aside, I have to go" it finally left my mouth, I couldn't take the tension.

And in that instant, he put his hands against the door, locking my body, and the door both. My mind asking three questions: What is he up to? And how can someone be intimidating and hot at the same time? Like, he was scary, but hot. And how do I get back to my rational sense, and take a control of the situation?

"So, not soon honey, at least not before you little miss nerd, pay for what you made me lose". He said with a smirk, on his gorgeous face.

I froze in my place and asked, 'What'?

"Your lips aren't that bad,either" he said, after examining my face, and stopping at the lips,in a voice as cold, as ice.

Oh fuck! Is he going to.. Noo! Not with a play boy like him. He sure, had his charm and money, to get whichever girl he wanted, but I am not loosing my kiss virginity, to someone who I am sure, doesn't even know my name. Or maybe, he does, after the 'you' being emphasised. Forget it Nikki, how does it even matter.
As he moved more closer,
I could feel his breath, and he could sure feel mine. But I didn't let my fright be visible. I am going to get away, "you realize Ashton, if I just like shout once, there will be a crowd of people, right here, right now, within less then a minute?" I said, that with much pretence of confidence on my face.

"Wooah, how scared am I, try that stunt, go on, poor baby! Only if you had brains enough to understand, the washroom that you are in, is only visited by people like me, and those non existent ghosts, that girls like you made stories of, in grade 6", a small chuckle escaped his smirk, as he said this.

He was right, so fucking right. After thirty seconds of brainstorming and thinking of all possible ways to escape, right from biting him to crying like a baby, and knowing that nothing would work now, I froze to death, I didn't want to kiss him, there should be some solution out, finally,I closed my eyes in fear,giving up, yet, waiting for a miracle to happen.

And just in that moment, I find him sticking his all built chest to me,holding my hands above my head, what is he even doing? And why do i feel so out of control with his touch? It's like a thunder storm passing through my hands, as his touch mine, and now go at my cheeks, gently tucking a strand of hair on my face behind my ear, coming close to my face,my lips, I could smell his breath, looking at me right in my eyes, his face running inches away from mine, first on my cheeks to my jawline, and then moving to my neck I wanted to escape a moan, it was so hot in that moment, his lips just inches away, from my skin, the torture that he was doing with his breath, that I could feel all over my face,he was playing his best of tricks, and it was working. It shouldn't be, but he was too hard to resist. Sure, I didn't want to have my first kiss, with a guy, like him, but even if it does, I promise to forget it, because I didn't care, who he was anymore. Any more longing away from his lips, and I wouldn't bear, I closed my eyes, I couldn't take sweet torture, wanting to kiss him right away, indulge myself, and that's when he uttered
"I don't kiss babies"

What the fuck? I opened my eyes, to find him holding his stomach and having his most LOL moment in the world.

Gathering myself up, calming my breath, and anger of course, I decided to get away as soon as possible. I wanted to curse him, and thrash his guts away, but all I could think of was just escaping and finding solace, for now. It was too much to gulp in for a morning, an encounter with the hottest guy in the school turning me on and turns out, it was one of his playboy prank, which he will soon be bragging about to the whole school.
Congratulations Nikki, you are soon going to be "Miss loser again" for the 546th time.

This sure wasn't a morning that I wished for, I should have chosen to let rhee be with me atleast,wrong choices.. I could still hear his laughter, making me run all more faster.
Awkward level : 73%.

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