Chapter 3 :Zane's POV:

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Chapter 3:

Zane’s POV:

School is so boring without Shawn. Lately he hasn’t been sleeping over either, so I feel kind of lonely. Raven Drakes has already gotten friends and every time they walk by, his eyes land on me. I feel kind of weird when he looks at me. It’s a hard feeling to explain. Sometimes I just wish a rainbow would take me away or make me smart enough to know how to explain how I felt.

“Zane,” I turn to see Raven leaning against the wall. I slowly walk over to him and hold my books close.

“Raven,” I say.

“What’s up?” He asks, offering me a smile.

“Nothing,” I say, thinking about how badly I want to tell someone about my loneliness. Next time I see Shawn I’m gonna give him a good kick in the shins.

“So… I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go to the movies with me?” Raven asked, looking at me.

“Can I invite a friend?” I smile. Raven nods, his expression looking a little disappointed. He didn’t want us to go the movies alone did he? I am so dense sometimes.

“Unless you wanted us to go alone…?”

“No its fine, I’d love to meet your friend.” He smiles at me and I smile back.

“I’ll be sure to invite him then.” I say, turning around.

“Meet up at the movies at 6?” I turn again and nod.

“See ya then.” I grin. He gets off the wall and walks away. I try not to squeal like a girl. I can’t wait to go see the movies with Raven. I’ll invite Shawn so it won’t be like a date… Cause if it was a date that’d be weird right? Right?

I couldn’t stop thinking about tonight. I felt like such a girl for being all excited and I even picked something nice out to wear. I texted Shawn and told him about the movies, he said he was going to invite a new friend he made at college. I asked what the new friend’s name was and he told me it was Forrest.

I waited at the front of the theater. I was a couple minutes early. I hated being late. It was one thing I hated more than spinach and homophobes. I mean, why do people have to make up an excuse and label themselves as homophobes? We are humans just like them. I don’t want to offend homophobes but some of them are ridiculous.

I saw a dark figure walking up to me and I realized it was Raven. He looked at me with a smile.

“Where is your friend?” I told him he’d probably be late. Shawn has a knack for being late.

“So… Should we just go in or wait here?” He asks, staring at me.

“Maybe we should wait for a couple minutes and then go in. It is getting pretty chilly.” I say. He nods and we stand there. I can see my breath as I exhale. I glance over at him and wonder why I can’t see his breath as he exhales. I have no idea why it’s so chilly tonight. School just barely started and summer isn’t quite over yet.

“Cold?” Raven asks, smiling at me. I nod shyly. Dammit why do I have to act so shy around him sometimes?

“A bit,” I smile. I shiver slightly. I was weak against the cold. I have a weak immune system so I usually get sick easily. Raven looks perfectly fine though, he looks quite sexy actually.

“Is that him?” Raven points to a guy running over to us.

“Shawn!” I yell. He grins and looks behind him. A boy- Forrest catches up to him, pushing at Shawn playfully and laughing. I raise an eyebrow. Has Shawn come to the dark side?

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