Chapter 1: How it all started

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Enemy is an ultimate life form who is usually fighting criminals in the united worlds. United worlds are good and bad worlds which found an agreement and lived satisfied by the rules they made. He had this urge to kill someone; he does it. People start to dislike him, even hate him. Enemy is above all and every rule whether its physical or mental. He doesn't need to eat or drink nor breathe. He doesn't get sick. He can if be wanted to, though! He's simply above everything. But that one decision he made got everyone to hate him eventually. Killing an innocent person wasn't too wise, perhaps? Ever since every single soul in the entire united worlds were angry at him, it was like a curse. Enemy had to choose whether to be only good or only bad, at least to be called one.
Enemy chose then...

Enemy: So what? I can kill anyone now. Why not kill you?
Person1: Please your majesty.. I'll do anything.. anything!
Enemy: Kneel before me and wear to be my loyal servant for life.
Person1: But Sir, don't you think.. *gets killed*
Enemy: You fool!
PersonX: Hey wait, Enemy!
Enemy: *turns his head* Who dares to call me by my name! Huh? A kid? I don't care. No mercy for anyone *rises his arm to kill the kid*
PersonX: But you used to not mind it I didn't know that you hate it now. Hey, what can I call you now?
Enemy: Die you BRAT!
*Enemy is about to reach the kid's neck with his claws*
PersonX: I always wanted my death to be on your hands!
Enemy: *stops* What the.. But why?
PersonX: Well, I am so honored and happy right now that I met you in person and talked to you that I don't want anything more in life! :D
Enemy: ...
What's your name, kid?
Lahab: I'm Lahab. Nice to meet you!
Enemy: What a name. Where are your parents?
Lahab: I never knew!
Enemy: Where's your home then?
Lahab: I don't know that either!!
Enemy: What the hell.. Ugh, I'll see about that later. How about you come with me for tonight?
Lahab: OF COURSE !
*both were gone to Enemy's place. Lahab kept acting amazed by this huge mansion. Enemy was annoyed at first but soon he became ok with Lahab around after few days*
PersonX: Yooo! Wait up, Noorah!
Noorah: Oh hey! Your late as always, Feddah.
Feddah: I'm late for you but we are still early for bus. >_>
Noorah: I can't believe this is our last day together.
Feddah: Yah.. I hope I get a better roommate than you bish!
Noorah: ,_,
Feddah: :P Yah I said it!
*they both get in bus. Feddah decided to not sit next to Noorah and sat next to some blonde. She starts drawing as the calm blonde looks at Feddah's drawing without moving her head. Noorah isn't comfortable*
*the day at the school finished. The roommates got back together. Feddah didn't seem to care or act disappointed about her three years roommate leaving.*
(Blonde Girl): Heh. That pink haired girl seems to be interesting.
Enemy: Lahab, lets go kid!
Lahab: I'm 15 years old now I'm no kid!
Enemy: Yah. I can't it has been a year now. You really grew up.
Lahab: Next year I will meet him. Right?
Enemy: You will. But are you really giving up.. You know?
Lahab: -serious face- I will give him anything and you know it well.
Enemy: I heard that they are dividing the worlds again! The war will start for an eternity!
Lahab: How did you even know? You're here for a year!
Enemy: Jerk, I am Enemy after all!
Lahab: ^_^"
Shuja'ah: I am Shoga'ah the Guardian of the Light World and all it's dimensions. I will protect you with my life. I'll do my best to keep everyone safe until I lose my soul. Forgive me in advance for every mistake and loss done by me as I don't believe that anyone is perfect.

People: Did you hear that?
Yah sounded so brave and honest.
Oh my she's my hero already!
Hey what's her name again?
Can we really feel safe now?
Is she strong enough?
*Someone shouts: What if Enemy decided to invade us!*

I don't care if he was the ultimate life form or not, when everyone hated him at the same time you've weakened him. I'm sure there's a way to defeat him. I'll find it! I promise!
Shoga'ah: ENEMY!! What! How did you get in here! What did you do to the guards?
Enemy: What are you talking about? I still have the power to teleport!
So you're thinking that you might be good enough for me? Lets put that on test!
Shoga'ah: Bring it on!
Enemy: You are unarmed, lady. Seriously?
Shuja'ah: *presses s button on her gauntlet and a side cannon come out charging loudly* be prepared, this is going to hurt!
Enemy: I am not even going to move my place, lady.

*Shuja'ah shoots Enemy with her gun. Nothing happens to Enemy. He's just standing there*

Enemy: Umm, was that all?
Shuja'ah: Never underestimate me..
Enemy: Hahaha righ- *he is falling on his knees but holding himself to not fall on the ground, he start to turn into dust very slowly*
Bitch! What have you done to me? What was that?
Shuja'ah: Oh please, it's just too complicated for you to understand. I'm not bothering myself explaining to you.

*Enemy flies away to his castle mouldering and losing conscious. He arrives and doesn't answer Lahab's curious questions who was worried. Enemy gets in the "Forbidden Room" and stats there.*
*Enemy leaves the Forbidden Room but something doesn't seem right. He has a normal human look! He walks towards Lahab and Lahab recognized him instantly!*

Lahab: OMG! Enemy? Are you.. Alright? What happened?
Emn: Just call me by my real name man. I'm Emn by the way. I'm only five years older than you. In my years, at least.
Lahab: I don't know what's that supposed to mean but HOLY you look like us now! Were you a humane who turned to a divine beast and now you're back? Did you like, got cursed and turned to this? Or did you-
Emn: Man! Man! Listen now, I lost many of my powers I'm not the ultimate life form anymore but I'm still!
Lahab: How's that?
Emn: Compared to anyone, I am stronger still. So I think I'm still the a ultimate life form. Right?
Lahab: *make a thumbs up* Works for me!
Shoga'ah: *steps on someone in a humiliating position* Did you have enough, punk?
*a lady with a nice appearance comes in*: Ma'am, we think that the ultimate one is still alive and it gets worse, he is-
Shoga'ah: He's on his way here. Yes, I can feel it. Thanks. Please go back to the Royal Castle and never leave unless you hear I'm gone.
(good looking lady): But ma'am..
Shoga'ah: Just do it. Trust me, I'll be back. If I'm to be gone, it's not him who's going to do it. I'll be back. :)
*Emn breaks in the bank Shoga'ah was saving, he stands there looking at her with anger. He transforms into Enemy form and starts attacking*
Shoga'ah: So you survived? Maybe you really are the ultimate life form, after all!
*Shoga'ah presses the button on her gauntlet again but this time she gets an armor over her body and a bigger cannon from her wrest and avoids his raging attack easily. She shoots him but he avoids it as well. Suddenly he stops avoiding her shots and takes them all. Smoke are all over the bank hall. Shoga'ah grinds, just until she sees his shadow behind the smoke cloud and realizes that he survived. He jumps off the smoke cloud and breaks her cannon with his claws as she was trying to protect her body covering it with her hands. The broken cannon made a very bright light and Enemy couldn't stand it. He is on a daze, Shoga'ah takes this chance to attack his chest aiming at his heart. She is few millimeters away from reaching his chest using a dagger went out from the same gauntlet but he holds her arm stopping her. He then squeezes and a cracking sounds can be easily heard. She screams in pain, he throws her on the nearby couches breaking them. Enemy then flies up high into the sky shouting out loud : "I pronounce this war! As I will be the Dark Master if Shoga'ah is the Light Master. And I attend to win." He then flies back to his mansion to meet Lahab and tell him what happened*
Lahab: Hey you know, I have this sword that I left somewhere no one can find. It's very special. I'll go get it and help you as a Dark Master.
Emn: Do you doubt my powers? Or are you trying to insult my great person?
Lahab: As if, but what an honor would it be fighting by your side, Mr.Emn. Besides, that way I will be doing something even if was too simple. You know, to find that person.
Emn: As you wish. Go get that sword then. Like it will ever be something to make a difference but whatever.
Feddah: Ok time to say goodbye I guess.
Noorah: -teary eyes- You know. I won't find a better roommate than you. I'll miss you so much.
Feddah: Just hug me and leave already. Jeez, and you wanted to be on the Dark side?
Noorah: *wipes her tears* Ok then! *picks up her luggage and leaves but stops at the door step*
Feddah: Just go. And don't you dare to look back!
Noorah: *Turns around crying and smiling*
*Feddah is trying to hold her tears back but they are leaking anyway*
Noorah: I knew you cared!
Feddah: Bish! How wouldn't I? *starts crying and they both hug for a while*
Feddah: I want to see you a Dark Master like you want to be one day! Don't disappoint me!
Noorah: And you better get going and ask him out before some other girl get him first!
Feddah: *wiping tears* You got it, bish!
Noorah: Same, bish!
*Nar gets his sword and heads back showing off to Emn. That sword was interesting to Emn. He then accept Lahab's request better than before.*

End of Chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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