wrong name

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jimin sat on the couch, looking at his boyfriend, who was right next to him, eyeing his phone. he was always looking at his phone these days. always paying more attention to someone he was texting rather than his own boyfriend. jimin felt ignored. maybe if namjoon wanted his attention, he'd ignore him.

no, he wouldn't. he loved namjoon too much. he loved him more than anything. he couldn't just pretend he wasn't there. but that didn't seem too hard for namjoon to do. pretend as if jimin didn't exist. to block him out.

what would get namjoon's attention? what would make him have to focus on jimin? to put all his attention on the younger? jimin thought about this, turning his head towards the window next to him. the rest of the group was out, shopping for groceries. jimin could have gone, but he wanted to stay with his beloved. to cuddle him. but all they were doing was sitting next to each other. existing.

"hey, namjoon, i-" jimin was cut off by namjoon standing up and leaving the room to take a phone call. he pouted, slowly and quietly getting up to follow after him. he got to the older's bedroom and peeked through the crack in the door, listening to the one side of the conversation.

"how are you doing?... that's good. i'm fine, just a little bored. oh? would you do that for me? you're such a dirty boy, aren't you?... good, only for me. you're mine."

what was namjoon talking about? who was namjoon talking to? he only talked to jimin like that. was he....? no! he couldn't be. why would namjoon cheat on jimin? he told him he loved him every day... well... not everyday. not anymore. only when jimin says it first...

he backed away from the door, a small whimper coming from him. namjoon heard it and immediately hung up the phone, rushing towards jimin. jimin shook his head and started to scurry away, but namjoon caught him in his arms before he could. the younger stared to sob, tears streaming down his face.

"jimin, shh." the male hushed, petting the younger's head to try and sooth him. he rocked him gently, letting him cry into his chest.

"why? why, namjoon? am- am i not good enough? am i a bad boyfriend? i'm sorry...." the boy's legs gave out and he collapsed in front of namjoon, hugging his legs. "please... i'll do better, just don't... don't leave me..." his body shook, his lips pulled back, letting out loud sobs, cries of agony.

a week later, namjoon and jimin were back to being as cuddly as ever. namjoon hadn't been distant. he gave the boy enormous amounts of affection. whenever he's go out, he would return with a tebby bear, each one bigger than the last. he brought candy, clothes, accessories. he was spoiling jimin.

the members were getting skeptical. well, everyone except taehyung. he thought it was sweet of namjoon to do this for him, his best friend. jimin often shared candy with him, so maybe that's why he didn't question it.

after a month, jimin's room was filled with teddy bears. he named each and everyone one of the 'joonie.' because namjoon was his teddy bear. he loved him.

"j-joonie!" namjoon held jimin's hand over his head as he thrusted into him, making him whine and whimper. his body was red and so was his chubby little cheeks. he looks so cute underneath him. his back arched off the bed, his breath coming out in huffs.

"ah– fuck, cum for me." namjoon growled in the smaller's neck, panting. jimin obliged, panting quickly as he reaches his high and moans out his lover's name.

namjoon's breath quickened. he started to cum and jimin was mortified by the words that came from his lips.

"fuck, taehyung. i love you."

tears pricked in jimin's eyes. he kicked namjoon away, whimpers leaving his lips. namjoon hadn't yet processed what he had done.

"what? what's wrong?!" he looked around and jimin threw a pillow at him.

"taehyung?! that's who you've been cheating on me with?! my best fucking friend?!"

"jimin, i–"

"get out!" jimin started throwing the stuffed bears at him, the gifts he hated. "get out, i hate you! i fucking hate you! i hope you're happy, you asshole!" jimin had tears streaming down his face, watching namjoon scramble to get dressed and leave his room. once he was gone, jimin curled into a ball and started sobbing, his body shaking.

he didn't hate him. he loved him so much. he just... namjoon didn't love him.

i'm so sorry.

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