2 - Fixing Broken Holes

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The video became popular fast. Ever since the incident, Flox had four members. At first, Flox had five members, because Xavier wasn't in the band. After Kyle left and Viktor passed away, Xavier joined the band. Xavier still talked to Kyle, who insisted he was never re-joining the band. However, he felt the Flo family's pain. Many months after Viktor was murdered, Flox began looking for new members. They had no luck, because after Viktor was murdered, many people saw Flox as bad luck. They thought if they joined the band, and weren't part of the Flo family, they would die. Their reasoning would have made no sense, but it turned out Viktor was adopted into the Flo family. The Flo family felt like no one would ever join their band. Luckily, they were still well-known around the world.

Xavier started asking people in his school's band as a last resort. He ended up putting posters up (with permission from the principle) advertising the band. Xavier was very popular in his school since his family's band was so popular. One day, Xavier was walking in the hallways and a small freshman ran into him. "Sorry!" The small girl exclaimed. Xavier held out his hand and helped the girl up. "That's alright." The girl had bumped into Xavier on purpose. Xavier continued walking down the hell until the girl grabbed his sleeve. "I...um...have a question." Xavier turned around to hear out the girl. She said her name was Christa and that she was interested in joining Flox. She was instructed to come to Xavier's house after school to audition. The school day finished and while Xavier was walking home, the small freshman Christa caught up to him. They walked together, talking as they went to Xavier's home.

Xavier entered the house to be greeted by Lily. She asked who the girl was, teasing Xavier a bit. The girl introduced herself and explained why she came to the house. Lily was pleased to hear Xavier found another member for the band. The two went to Lily's room to find out what instrument Christa could play best. It turned out Christa could play the bass. Luckily for Flox, that's the one thing they were missing: a bass player. When their parents returned home from an interview, they were pleased with the news. From that day on, Flox consisted of five members. Fortunately, the band was able to find a fifth member before the concert scheduled a week later. Flox spent the week practicing the songs on their new album. Most of the songs had to do with loss and grief. They were still not over the death of Viktor. Flox's third concert took place about two years after Viktor died. The fans, even though they loved the new member, some complained she would never be as good as Viktor. 

About a week after the concert, Lily showed up at Xavier's house and announced she would be moving. Unfortunately, that meant she could no longer be in the band. Lily only had a month before the move. On the day of the move, Lily visited the Flo family once more before leaving. Xavier made sure to get Lily's contact information so they could continue being friends long-distance. The same day Lily left, Xavier wrote a song about her. The song was about how she had been both a great friend and a great band member.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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