chapter 1

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I'M SO FREAKING EXITED... I'm going to universal... alone... but who knows. Maby I'll make a friend there. How I got the tickets was that I was just driving in my car. Listining to F.O.B. obviously. And then all of a sudden the song just stoped. Seriously it was like, so light em up up uh.........stop. I was so confused because last I checked, radio stations don't stop a song when it has not yet finished. But anyways the Radio stopped and a man came on with an advertisement. The advertisement said call this number if you know the answer to our question... here is the question... who is the person that plays the guitar in the Band Fall Out Boy?!! So I called the number and they answered saying do you have the answer to our question? I said yes it is Pete Wentz. And then they come out in like that congratulations voice and all that little cheer thing like... CONGRATS YOU HAVE WON AAAAAAAAAA... 7 NIGHT TRIP TO UNIVERSAL THEME PARK IN ORLANDO FLORIDA!!!!! I squealed like LOUD... the guy said you get the express pass to! And also said we'll just email you the passes and then print it out. I gave them my email then hung up. And realized that I just squealed on the radio and anyone who was listening to the station could hear me squeal. More important I WAS ON THE RADIO!!! Never thought that would ever happen♡.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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