Do I smell?

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"Eren get her drink dumbass!" I hear Jean scream at me

"Shut up horse face ! I just did. Have a great day miss" I respond madly

I give her a warm smile as she turns winks at me while walking out the shop. I wave as I turn to armin getting my lunch and sitting outside the tables by the shop.

"So then Eren hows it been with your boyfriend that Scary looking guy"
I blush brightly as I almost choked on my donut looking up at Jean

"Huh what do you mean...h-he's just my friend hehehe..."

"Dude you can't lie to me your face it all red and obviously I think everyone knows dude the way he hugs you from behind every time he comes to the shop and then not to be a stalker or anything me and Armin were curious so we decide to spy you two and then we saw you to go to the carnival and he kissed you soooo-"

"WwA! What is wrong with you guys leave me alone don't be following me !" I interrupt him.

"Haha look at you all blushing again"
Jean slaps my back softly laughing out loud. As he puts a arm around me saying.
"You two should be alittle more secretive while around Mikasa"

I look at him confused as I flinch seeing Levi pulling jean's hand off my neck
"Get away from my property grrr" I see Levi giving him a death stare

"Dang your scary" Jean says,
He moves back as he walks back into the shop. Humph I'm not a object I pout.

"Hey... Levi I'm not your property"

"Yes you are now let's go" he starts walking away. Lately Levi been really rude sometimes and then when I try to get close to him he back away I keep wondering why.

"Where are we going Levi?" I ask

"Let's go to the carnival again" he says

"Oh okay"
I smile as I walk next to him. suddenly Levi back away covering his nose I then puff my cheeks looking at him

"What is it do I smell bad let's go...I'll take a shower" I say saddly

"No it's fine Eren it's not that... let's just go" he glances at me and we both walk to the carnival together and had so much fun there we would ride many rides and eat sweets together it was great just one problem...LEVI WONT TOUCH ME NOT EVEN JUST HOLD MY HAND...

Levi's Owner 2! (Neko levi X Eren) Where stories live. Discover now