Chapter 13: The Memories And Her Birthday.

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~3rd POV~

After everything had happened with Vinder, Natsu explained to everyone at the guild what had happened. Even everything in the sky.

He told them how she wanted everyone to stay happy for her sake. She did want to be remembered, but not in a sad way.

FairyTail followed her commands. But before they did anything, Mira had to show everyone something.

"Over the days, I've hired Wendy as my secret video taper. She caught so much memories. I'm happy to present my new Slideshow, The Memories With Little Lucy." Mira said and pressed play on her remote.

A big screen was right by the bar of FairyTail with everyone sitting at the tables. Everyone started to watch intensely.

"This-" Mira pointed to the screen, "- is when Little Lucy cuddled with Natsu when they were sleeping.

Everyone awed as Natsu had a slight pink on his cheeks.

"Now, I have videos to show you guys! That was one of the few pictures, but there are still more." Mira said and pressed a button on the remote.

The camera shook a little bit as the video began to play,

" BACON AND PANCAKES!!!!!!!!" Natsu yelled.

"SHUT UP NATSU! YOU JUST WOKE UP THE LITTLE GIRL!!!"  Erza had yelled back at him.

Then it skipped just a little bit further.

"Done!"  Natsu and Young Lucy said at the same time. Then, it looked like they were glaring at each other for a challenge.

"Challenge Accepted!"  They growled at each other.

"I will count and make sure none of you cheat." Erza says sternly.




"GO!" Erza said after counting.

"Done!" They said again at the same time.

"Then it's a tie. We don't have anymore food." Wendy said shyly hoping a fight doesn't break out.

The camera skipped to a new part of the video.

"Natsu! I want to play this one!" Lucy yelled making lots of people turn to him. The pink-haired idiot didn't even care.

"What is it?" Natsu asked.

"You have to throw the ball and knock down all three bottles. Do that, and you win a music disc! One of its kind." The person running the booth said.

"I want it! I want it!" Lucy kept saying to Natsu. "Ok I guess so."

"Aww. You missed it. Try again soon!" The lady said, "Unless you wanna play again?"

Natsu looked over at Lucy. She was giving him puppy eyes. "Fine." he said. He took the ball and threw it again.

"You missed again. Wanna try again?"

"YES!" he said getting really mad.

"O-Oh no.." Young Lucy said getting scared.

Natsu lit the ball on fire. "S-Sir!" The lady running the booth yelled. Natsu threw the ball and it hit all three! But it also lit the table cloth on fire. Then it started to spread to the tent. The lady started to run and the disc fell out of her pocket.

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