Party Time!!

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   One a Friday nigh my friends and I were partying at my parents house, but it wasn't a normal party it 

was just four people, Jack, Mark, Julia, and me Matt and we all were 17, and sat around drinking juice 

boxes, and battling each other on who is better at video games. That pretty much is the most 

exciting thing that ever happens to me, unless you say that time where i was pushed off the diving 

board into the pool and almost drowned because people kept pushing my head under the water, but I 

think that's because people are just jealous of me and my diving skills.But that night everything was 

going to go wrong and it all started with my dad coming home. His truck roared down the drive way 

when it usually wasn't this loud. When my dad came inside he told me and my friends, my dog ran off 

and that since he wasn't responsible for it, that I had to go get it. I mean is he mad hes making his son 

go into the strange woods  in the dark! Where he saw my dog run off into and get him, when there 

could be a weird person out there, but I did it anyway because I wanted to scare my friends.

         As soon as we ate, and our tummy were full  and ready to go look for my dog."OK, lets go find my 

dog" I say frightened to my friends, but they seemed excited to do it by the sounds of their voices,

when they told me "Ya lets do this!" But they were in for a big surprise. We went down the big hill 

to the direction my dad told me the dog ran to, and we all went into the thick dark brush of the forest, 

using our phones as our flash lights to guide our way. "Where do you all think we should start 

first" Julia ask, I reply "we could split up into to groups and go opposite ways into the woods, I 

mean they are just woods there nothing strange that could hurt us besides wolfs, foxes, and bears but 

they cant be a problem because I brought a shotgun for the each of us just in case, and if you shoot 

my dog, lets just say you are immediately pushed to the bottom of the best gamer board, you all got 

it!" everyone reply with a "u-hu" because of how stern I sounded. After my speech though we split  

 into groups Julia and I, and Mark and Jack. 

              Julia and me both set off into the forest together and as soon as we were deep into the forest it 

seemed like we were back tracking. We soon ended up in a small opening in the woods where we 

saw my dog go into a strange pink cabin . "I have a bad feeling about this" Julia said in 

terror as we walked into the tiny pink cabin, even though we didn't know if someone was living there 

we went in anyway. When we walked into the dining room, we herd footsteps coming near us and I felt 

something grab my back and I screamed soon finding out that it was just Mark trying to scare me(that 

means I have a reason to scare him even better than he scared me). "Oooooo the little baby scared" 

he said to me "No of course not why would I be" I replied with a definite, I was scared look on my face 

and also by the way I said it was so obvious that I did get scared a lot by what just happened. After 

that though we started looking around the house for my dog. I started off in the kitchen because he 

likes to eat everything in sight but he wasn't there, and no body found him in the house anywhere but 

then. Jack just had to point out the basement were the door was cracked open which meant my dog 

definitely could of went into there. That meant I was going to run away from this house and come 

back in the morning. Which all of us then figured out we were going no where, because when we went 

into the woods the exact same direction we came from, every time we came back to the cabin in the 

woods. Then we decided that we would go into the basement. I mean  we just came here to find my 

dog, so we went into the basement only to realize this wasn't any old basement, there was something 

very very different about this one.

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