Disconnected Chapter 3

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 Alright, this story isnt doing very well but I love writing it :)


Festers P.O.V

Sat at the back of the class I smiled, this was a chance- I had a chance now to change maybe… Evie, she didn’t push me away as soon as she noticed my scars or the part where I never make any conversation with her, she actually smiled at me… and as pathetic as it may sound the only two people who look at me like that are my Mum and Dad. Placing my earphones in my ears, I placed my head against the table zooning out of the lesson I watched other people in the class talking to each other, looking happy and affectionate; if I could learn how to do that then I could get closer to Evie and be a real teenage guy.

Memories; the one word that made me cringe over anything I had ever learnt, all of my memories seemed to be dark and cruel, memories that even though I wanted to forget they kept pushing into my mind, all reminding me why I am like this today- that memory.

“Fester” I looked up and noticed the teacher was calling for my attention “would you like to possibly take part in this lesson?” She asked with her hands her hips, my face flushed crimson red of embarrassment, in a reply I shook my head from left to right and then lowered my head allowing my fringe to hide my face safe away from the other students.

“Freak” A husky voice whispered from behind me. Why did people have to be so generally nasty and not accept a person for who they are?

Plans formed in my head, I was going to do this; talk and get to know Evie, get over this stupid fear all because of that memory, that memory which ruined my whole being. Breath, breath I sighed doing just like they taught me to do, breath, breath. Mum and Dad, they would be so much happier if they had their son back, they had already lost one…

“Alright class enough for today, Fester can you stay behind please.” She announced to the class, I eternally groaned. This is going to be awkward.

I watched as the whole class made their way out of the class chattering and holding hands, the whole idea of it made me shiver, when I looked up I noticed that the teacher- in which I don’t know her name, was staring at me with curiosity, why couldn’t they just get over the point that I will not involve myself, not yet… it’s too early.

 “Fester.” She cheered; in return I nodded making her sigh.

“You can talk you know?” Her voice was sickly, through my hair I noticed she looked like one of them type of woman that bake cookies and pour milk, them kind.

“Yeah.” My voice whispered out, keeping my eyes to the ground I let my hands clench together.

“I have heard about you Fester, the boy who won’t talk?” Her voice had slight humour to it, damn fucking teachers.

“Not by choice.” I was surprised by own protest, she flicked her tongue in a disapproving manner; already this woman had made her presents to be a torture to me, chewing on my lip piecing I stepped back slowly towards the door flinging my skulled rucksack across my back.

“Parents can’t even look after their kids these days.” She murmured after me, fury and anger fired up in me, is that what everyone thought? They blame the parents, my perfect loving parents? No, I’m sorry Mum and Dad, I knew this was not their fault.

“Fester!” A voice shouted behind me mixed in with the chatter around me, I didn’t turn back I didn’t dare too- until the hand of the person grabbed my hand and entwined theirs into it making me feel uncountable, looking up I noticed it was Evie; even though her was much smaller than me her hands seemed perfect size against mine.

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