Our little girl - Phan

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Just a little idea I came up with one night, hope you enjoy


"Dan we need to tell them now." Dan looked up from his laptop to look at his husband, Phil. "We have no choice, especially as we're picking Rosie up tomorrow."

"I know. We've just spent so long keeping us a secret, ya know?"

"I know Dan," Phil cuddled into Dan as they sat on their bed. "But we can't now, it's too late at night. We had trouble keeping the wedding secret and with all of the subscribers we have now, I'm surprised that no one has guessed it already. I mean, they were tipped off my Chris that we were going to get married but I'm guessing they just passed it off as another joke."

"Fine, we should do it once we have Rosie tomorrow. We can announce it on Younow so everyone can see it." Dan kissed Phil's forehead lightly as the two of them laid together in a comfortable silence. They were definnitely making the most of it seeing as after tomorrow the house wouldn't be quiet for a while.

"And this is your new hom Rosie." Phil pushed the door open, holding it for Dan who had a bundle of blankets in his arms. Inside was a beautiful baby girl with bright blue eyes. Their baby girl. After their weddding in 2022, they'd quickly made the decision to adopt, knowing that they'd love to have a child that they could bring up together. "I just want to hug her forever, she's so precious." Dan cooed causing Phil to chuckle at the younger man.

"Go and make her a bottle Dan, I haven't held her yet." Dan was reluctant but handed Rosie over to Phil, stealing a kiss from Phil before going into the kitchen to make a bottle for her. "Do you want me to set up Younow?" Phil asked from the kitchen doorway.


"Might as well get it over and done with before we're completely exhausted.""Ok sure." Phil went into the living room and opened his laptop, going onto the website before sending out a quick Tweet about an emergancy broadcast including some important news. People began to pile into the 'Shows 2' room, so Phil jumped into the queue and waited for the person in front to leave.





"Hey everyone!" Phil started cheerfully, a massive grin on his face before realising that he still had Rosie in his arms and Dan was still making a bottle. "Ok so the news will be told when Dan gets here. Many of you will have noticed that I'm currently holding a baby! And no, I won't drop her Kayleigh C; she's too precious to drop." Phil smiled down at the girl in his arms. His daughter. Not biologically, but it wouldn't matter. The chat was going crazy asking who's baby it was and I grinned knowingly. At that moment Rosie started to wake up and cry. Phil stood up, bouncing her up and down on his hip to try and stop her, but he knew she was hungry. "DAN IS THAT BOTTLE READY YET??" Phil called out.

"ONE SECOND!" Dan came into the room adn handed him the bottle, sitting down in front of the laptop and waving at the screen. "It shouldn't be too hot but I'd check first."

"It's ok, I trust you." Phil took a bib off of Dan and held Rosie in a laying down position as he sat down next to Dan before placing the bottle in her mouth. The cries died down immediately adn the two new parents smiled at each other.

"So hey guys! We kind of ignored you for a second there, sorry about that." Dan started.

"Yes and now Dan's here, we can tell you the important news!"

Our little girl - PhanWhere stories live. Discover now