Death follows you wherever you go
It hides in every dark corner or crevice
It never leaves your side
Until the day you die
When it collects your soul.It moves around the world
As a cold midnight breeze
Whispering cold nothing's
Into every yearning ear.It follows the dying
The sick and the weak
Looking for a sweet soul to eat
Perfectly ripe in every way, shape, and form.Death does not care for anyone
Only itself
It looks forward to destinies coming to an end
And prides itself to having the perfect being.Children and babies
Adults and teens
Men and women
Girls or boys
It does not care
Only for the souls he's ready to keep.You can not cheat death
Only life
Death does not care if you have months or years to go
He will still follow you until you lay on your death bed
Waiting to go.Death is not a fan of the light
So he hides in the shadows and in the night.Death is a busy man
With appointments a plenty
He will never go hungry
Until the day you all die.Goodbye...