Chapter 4

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Dan P.O.V

I spend the whole night at the hospital. They told me to leave Phil's bed, but I was allowed to stay in the room, so I fell asleep on the chair in the corner. I couldn't leave him alone. He was all I have. (Y/N) haven't return. She just texted that she went back to the Academy because she didn't want to miss class. She was right. If she skips too many classes she might be expelled. "Dan.. You're still here?", I hear Phil mumble. "Yeah", I yawn and walk over to him. "You should go back to the Academy", he said. "I won't leave you alone here, Phil. Who needs class, screw school", I say and sit down on the chair next to his bed. "Dan, I have to tell you something... Well, what happened yesterday happened on purpose", he said. I stared at him. "Are you crazy?! Why you did this?", I asked. What he told me next wasn't what I expected. "Well, I haven't got all my memories back... But well, after the final we all drunk a lot, right? Well... It ended up Lyn and me in her bed... And the rest you can imagine yourself... I didn't want their relationship to suffer because of me, so I decided to "cover the thing up". Well...", he said. "It didn't work", I said. "Got this", he answered looking down. "Killing yourself because of something stupid like this is well..Stupid", I laughed. "You could have done worse. Sure, 'cheating' is 'cheating'. But 1. both of you were drunk as hell and 2. what happened happened. I mean, none of us ever imagined you ending up with a girl in bed, but well, alcohol opens up everyone", I said. Phil stared at me. "You seem so relaxed, how is this possible?", he asked. "We all have our sins. But this was just stupid. And next time you do this I won't be this relaxed", I said. Phil cracked a smile. "Thank you Dan", he said.

Your P.O.V

You sit in Drama class. Today your class doesn't rehearse because three of the most important people were missing. "Well guys, because Mr Lester and Mrs Marbles are still in hospital we can't rehearse today. Someone knows where Mr Howell is?", Tom asked. "He's with Phil", you say. Tom nods. "Alright. So, I wanted to tell you the news later, but I guess we need some sunshine in our dark days. Yesterday I received the message that my valued colleagues Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Gatiss will visit the premier of our play", he smiled. The class stared at him. "No shit Sherlock, stop fooling us bi***", you hear someone say. "Well, first of all, I'm not Sherlock nor a bitch and secondly this is the truth. They want to see the play, so we have to be good", he smirked. "I hate you already", you whisper. "Hating such a beautiful face is not possible, Mrs (Y/L/N)", he said. You can't help but laugh. "So, instead of rehearsing we will read some Shakespeare and you will write an essay about it. Have fun", he said. You all sigh and start reading.

After Drama class you go to the cafeteria. Zoe walks up to you. "If this isn't the fame who**", she said. You turn around and look at her. "What's your problem?", you ask annoyed. "I just heard that your bi*** and the Emo douche bag are in hospital right now... How funny. I leave Drama Class and everything is going down", she laughed. "Oh, they say the captain goes down with the ship, so you will go down with it", you say and leave, hitting her shoulder when you pass her. In the cafeteria you grab some food and walk over to Mark and Sean. "(Y/N)!!", Sean yells, jumps up and hugs you. "Sean, hi", you laugh. "I heard what happened... Well, Dan texted us", Sean said and Mark added. "He said Lyn will come back today, but Phil has to stay until the end of the week", Mark said. "Premier is in less than two weeks... Do you think he can play then?", you ask them. "Dunno. We hope so", Sean said. "Yeah, because to be honest, I don't want to be Sherlock then", Mark sighed. "Oh Markimoo, you will be amazing", you laugh. "Don't call me that", he laughed. "Don't you care about Lyn?", Sean asked. You look at him. "It's... complicated...", you sigh. "Oh no, don't tell me my OTP is going down?", he cried. "As I said, complicated", you say. The three of you finish lunch, then you head off to game history class. "Well, your group isn't here today, so I don't see any sense in you attending class today, Mrs (Y/L/N). See you when your group is back again", your teacher said. You stare at her, then nod and leave. On your way back to your room you accidentally run into a girl with blonde hair. "Oh, I'm sorry", you say. "No problem. Do you know where I can find Evelyn Marbles' room?", she asked. "Eh, yes, but she isn't here...", you say. The girl sighed. "Really? When does she come back?". Why did she want to meet Lyn so bad? Has she more Lovers you didn't know about? "I don't know, she's still at hospital and she will be release this afternoon, I guess", you say. "Hospital?! Why is Eve in Hospital?", the girl panicked slightly. "She had a panic attack and had to stay over night for more test. Why you want to meet her so badly?", you ask. "I'm her sister".

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