Chapter 13

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Your future husband was worried sick about you he wonder where you were. He wondered if it was all a dream. He knew it wasn't he was ready for his wedding but where were you. You were at your mom and dad's house. They already had a wedding dress for you. They were happy that you divorced that demon who called himself a great husband for you. Now you were marrying a real man that will soon be your husband. You didn't want to marry Stan. Stan wasn't your type of guy Bill was. You loved Bill but then again he had a wife. You didn't want it to end this way. You wanted a happy ending with you and the kids and Bill. Society didn't let that happen though.  You finally drove to a place where your wedding would be and where was it? It was in Disney land! You didn't want to get married right now you wanted your old husband Bill but he already had a wife. You sobbed as you thought about him with another woman it killed you inside. Your mom saw you crying. 

Your mom- Y/n why are you crying your suppose to be happy about this! 

You- But I'm not mom I'm still in love with Bill. 

Your mom- Ugh, Y/n look and listen Bill is literally a demon and your a human. It would've not worked out anyways so go out there and make me and your father proud by marrying that man. 

You- Mom but I don't love that man. I love that other man that I divorced.

Your mom- Bill has another wife he has forgotten about you he's just a play boy he'll never be truly in love with you. 

you- Mom you don't understand he did love me 

Your mom- How do you know.

You- Because when I divorced him he was crying his butt off begging me too stay and when he got his wife and he saw me and Stan in a awkward position he got pissed and started to cry. That's how I know he fucking loves me. And I also regret having sex with Stan that one night it was a horrible mistake it shouldn't have happened. 

Your mom- Awe come on remember he's a demon and he can't really cry he doesn't have feelings like you and me because why? Because he's a demon and a play boy he doesn't know what true love is love to him is an illusion. He'll never be able too love anyone. 

You- MOM! That's a lie. 

Your mom- You better listen to your mother she's telling you right and also she would never lie he's a demon and a play boy he will always tell you lies so you might as well marry him and maybe you'll feel better and plus you can't go to heaven with him.

You- UGH FINE I'll marry him. 

Your mom- Thank you 

You- {whispers} I hate you 

Your mom- {gasps} Go go now he's waiting for you. 

You- {groans and carries the flowers while walking down the aisle.} 

Stan- {Being nervous} 

You- {more nervous than him} 

Mabel- {In a chair as happy as can be} 

Dipper- {In a chair next to Mabel and smiling} 

Announcer- Do you Stanley take Y/n to be your lovely wife until death you part?

Stanley-  I do 

Announcer- And you Y/n do you take Stanley to be you handsome husband until death do you part?

You- I-I-I- {sweating like a bee} I 

Mabel- {In a chair crossing her fingers} Say yes {says it repetitively} 

{Bill bust through the door.}

Bill- Sorry I'm late for the wedding. {smirks} 

You- {shocked as hell}

Stan- What are you doing here?

Bill- I'm hear to take back my one and only!

Stan- What happened to your wife?

Bill- She wasn't my wife she was never my wife she was always my girlfriend but I broke up with her. Phillip told me too do it but nothing worked. 

You- Bill!!! {smiles and cries}

Bill- Y/n I'm sorry can ever forgive me? 

You- Hell yeah. {Runs to Bill and Bill runs toward you and ya'll hug each other.}

Bill- {Crying and smiling at the same time} I love you

You- I love you more. 

Bill {Kisses you roughly}

You- {Kisses back} 

Stan-{feeling down}

Mabel- {walked to Grunkle Stan} Don't worry Grunkle Stan there's other women out there.

Stan- I wish... 

You- {Hoped in Bill's arms} 

Bill- {smiled} 

Bill-{Teleports home with you} 

The end until next time!  

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